Translate the following:この装置は複数の第1の管と複数の第2の管を有する。第1の管は第2の管より細い外形を有する。
"This device has multiple first tubes and multiple second tubes. The first tubes have a smaller outer diameter than the second tubes."
Does the translation convey the meaning that the outer diameter of each of the first and each of the second tubes are being compared? In other words, does the translation mean that the outer diameter of each of the first tubes is smaller than the outer diameter of each of the second tubes? Or is the comparison between the multiple first tubes as a whole and the multiple second tubes as a whole?
The translation suggests that the outer diameter of each of the first tubes is smaller than the outer diameter of each of the second tubes. It conveys a one-to-one comparison between the first and second tubes, rather than comparing the first tubes as a group to the second tubes as a group.
If you want to ensure clarity in this one-to-one comparison, the translation is already appropriate. However, if you wanted to express a comparison between the groups as wholes, you would need to phrase it differently, such as:
"The group of first tubes has a smaller outer diameter overall than the group of second tubes."