

Scroll compressor、スクロール圧縮機

2019-03-28 11:31:36 | ビデオ


a scroll compressor, is also known as a scroll pump, and consists of a shell with(*有する)an end and an outlet

the lower part of the shell contains(*収容)the lubricant which is used, for example, to lubricate the plain bearings

a motor sets an Archemedean scroll, which is found in(*にある)the upper part of the shell, in motion(*動かす、作動、動作

as the rotation progresses(*進むにつれて), the chambers become much smaller, so that the gas is compressed

therefore(*従って), this type of compression is called internal compression

the moveable scroll can move with an extremely small distance to the other scroll

there are also designs in which the scrolls are in contact 

such compressors usually have a (*不定冠詞)better seal(*密封性、密閉性)and thus a (*不定冠詞)higher efficiency

one possibility is the use of a 

the small number of moving componens results in a high level of operational reliability

due to their special design, 

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