

デンマーク(Denmark 🇩🇰): Regulate chemicals

2019-02-26 17:58:53 | 日記
2019年2月26日(Tue.) ここ数日、少し話題になっていた Horned Owl (フクロウ)の子供、残念ながら死んだ姿で発見されてしまいました。 何とか保護されることを願っていましたが、残念な結果です。 但し、そもそも論で言うならば、こうした動物をペットとして飼うことに無理があると思います。 自然の環境の中で生息する姿が本来のものでしょう。

さて、こんな注意も必要のようです。 ( ニュースソース: THE LOCAL.dk 2月25日発)

Regulate chemicals in food packaging: Danish minister
食品包装に於ける化学物質の規制: デンマークの大臣

Minister for the Environment and Food Jakob Ellemann-Jensen has underlined the need to cut down on packaging containing harmful substances.
(抜粋) 環境及び食品大臣は、有害物質を含む包装を減らす必要があることを強調しています。

The minister’s comments came after the publication of a study on the effect on foetus size of fluorinated compounds in mothers’ blood.

The study, conducted by Aarhus University researchers, concluded that a presence in pregnant women’s blood of the substances, which are found in some types of food packaging as well as in other products, can result in babies being born at a smaller size than normal.

Ellemann-Jensen recently said he would look into the possibility of a national ban on use of the substances in food packaging such as pizza boxes, including whether Denmark would be able to break with EU rules on the area until the European Union changes its own regulation.

“Organic fluorinated compounds, which damage people and the environment, should principally be banned,” the minister said in a written comment to Ritzau.

“I do not know the new study in detail. But my understanding is that it is yet another sign of how problematic these chemicals are, and thereby another reason to continue the Danish battle to regulate them,” he added.

Fluorinated compounds are used in many products, particularly surface treatment including in frying pans, rainproof clothing, shoes, pizza trays and popcorn bags, Ritzau writes.

(超抜粋) この発表は、母体の血液内のフッ素成分と胎児の大きさへの影響について公表されたことを受けてのことです。 この研究は、Aarhus University の研究者達によるもので、妊娠中の女性の血液に含まれる結果、赤ちゃんのサイズが通常よりも小さくなると言うもので、いくつかの食品包装に含まれていることが発見されています。
当該大臣によると、こうした物質を食品包装に使うことを国として禁止することを検討するとしています、例えば、ピザの箱などです。 (中略)

Previous studies have found the substances to increase risk of miscarriage, obesity and type II diabetes.

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) in December increased its risk assessment of the two most common fluorinated compounds, PFOS and PFOA.

Researchers said they hope for tighter regulation in the area.

“It is high time that regulation is finally introduced with much-needed regulation, initially of food packaging,” Eva Cecilie Bonefeld-Jørgensen, who worked on the new study, said to Ritzau.

A declaration on all products which contain the compounds is a necessary first step, the researcher said.

Phillippe Grandjean, professor of environmental medicine at the University of Southern Denmark, expressed a similar view.

“Food packaging is just a fraction of the problem. I don’t have much belief in a quick political win through a ban on a limited area. More is needed,” he said to Ritzau.

“The problem became global a long time ago and now affects all of our immune systems,” he said.

・・・(和訳略)・・・ 今後の規制の見通しや方向性が語られています。



日本では、こうした認識や規制はあるのでしょうか。 何れにしても、フッ素加工のフライパンなどの使用は考え直した方が良いのかも知れませんね。

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