

アイスランド(Iceland 🇮🇸): ‘We Want a Bright Future’

2020-02-23 16:51:32 | 日記
2020年2月23日(Sun.) 韓国やイタリアでのCOVID19の感染者急増が大変気になります。加えて、日本国内での新たな感染事例報道は、ある意味で絶望的にも感じられます。本日の当ブログの後半にBBCがまとめた比較グラフを掲載しますが、これを見ても安心と言えるのでしょうか。

さて、アイスランドでも気候変動に関する若者の抗議活動が続いているようです。(ニュースソース: ICELAND REVIEW 2月22日発 )

Students on Climate: ‘We Want a Bright Future’

Photo: Icelandic youth protest for action on climate change.

Students demonstrated in Austurvöllur square on Friday, demanding that the government take action on climate issues. Vísir reports that young Icelandic activists involved in the ongoing #FridaysForFuture school strikes say the government has yet to take meaningful steps towards addressing climate issues in the country. This was the 52nd Friday that young people in Iceland have demonstrated in support of climate change action.

Friday marked the one-year anniversary of the first School Strike for Climate in Iceland. To mark the day, primary, secondary, and college students gathered in front of Hallgrímskirkja just before noon and marched to Austurvöllur square, in front of the Icelandic parliamentary building, where student leaders delivered speeches demanding action on climate change.

Jóna Þórey Pétursdóttir, the president of the University of Iceland’s student association, told reporters that she believed students’ ongoing protests have had a measurable impact thus far, particularly in terms of making the topic of climate change a public debate and raising awareness about climate issues. “…[W]e’re showing that young people are ready to take matters into our own hands. The goal, of course, was to demand increased measures from the government and we’ve yet to see those. Which is why we’re going to continue,” she remarked.

“We want a bright future,” Brynjar Einarsson, a student at Háteigsskóli primary school, told reporters. “A future that isn’t polluted. One where we can live without needing to be worried that we’re going to die because of climate change.”

Brynjar’s 13-year-old classmate, Jökull Jónsson, has been involved in the school strikes for climate from the beginning, and expressed a certain amount of pessimism about the future, although he did have specific ideas about ways in which Iceland could meaningfully address climate change issues.

“Really, we just need to reduce our carbon footprint as much as possible and try to be environmentally friendly.”

(超抜粋)生徒達が政府に対して、気候変動に対する行動を起こすように求めています、金曜日。これはアイスランドでは52回目に相当するFridays For Futureの活動です。(以下、原文を流し読みして下さい。)



SARSなどの過去の事例と比較しています。いくら致死率が低くても、感染力の強さは比べものにならないくらいであり、結果、死者の絶対数は他を凌駕しています。これを見ても心配不要なのでしょうか?! 呆れる判断力の人が少なくないようです。

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