

ドイツ(Germany 🇩🇪): Greta Thunberg scathing

2020-02-22 17:25:53 | 日記
2020年2月22日(Sat.) 今日はほぼ終日の雨模様になっています(愛知県平野部)。そして懸念されるCOVID19の日本国内状況は、あちらこちらでの感染事例が報告されつつあります。

さて、こちらにも政治家を痛烈に批判をしている人物が居るようです。(ニュースソース: DWーDE 2月21日発 )

Greta Thunberg scathing about politicians as thousands join Hamburg climate protest
The Swedish activist has returned to the German city almost exactly a year since her first visit. She told the audience she failed to understand how politicians could still "behave as though everything were fine."

Greta Thunberg gave a rousing speech to several thousand people as part of a climate protest in Hamburg on Friday.
Thunberg said that she did not understand how politicians could look their children in the eyes as they were stealing their future.
"The decision-makers are still behaving as though everything were fine and science is still being ignored," the Swedish activist told 20,000 protesters, according to police estimates. Organizers estimated 60,000 people.
"This is 2020, and we need to see real action now."


"If enough people get involved in making change happen, change can happen," the 17-year-old added.
The event took place on the eve of a regional election and was attended by numerous politicians, as well as thousands of schoolchildren, students and activists in the St. Pauli district of the northern German city.

Thunberg (center) with a placard reading "school strike for the climate" (in Swedish Skolstrejk för klimatet) during the 'Fridays for future' protest in St. Pauli, Hamburg (中央にグレタが居ます。)

Hamburg pays its respect to Hanau victims
The occasion began with a minute's silence for the victims of the shooting spree in the city of Hanau earlier this week. "We are sad, we are angry," said Yavuz Feroglu of the Kurdish umbrella organization Nav-Dem.
A performance from German hip hop group Fettes Brot preceded the Swede's speech.
The participants, who demanded better climate policies, displayed posters and banners with messages such as "We will strike until you take action" and "The earth is on fire."

(超抜粋)ハーナウに弔意: ハーナウでの犠牲者に1分間の黙祷が捧げられました。(以下、原文を流し読みして下さい。)


参加者人数が警察発表の20,000人としてもスゴイことですね。バカな政治家が何と言おうと、地球温暖化の事実は否定出来ないことです。南極や北極のこと、氷河が溶解している事実、オーストラリアでの未曾有の火災大災害等々。これらを見ても地球温暖化の事実を否定するのか?! です。 今や、持続可能な社会や、未来の子供達の為にも大きく舵を切る時でしょう、しかも、遅すぎるぐらいなのです。


全国新增新冠肺炎确诊病例397例 累计76288例

新京报快讯 据国家卫健委消息,2月21日0—24时,31个省(自治区、直辖市)和新疆生产建设兵团报告新增确诊病例397例,新增死亡病例109例(湖北106例,河北、上海和新疆生产建设兵团各1例),新增疑似病例1361例。








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