

ドイツ発(datelined Germany): Scores of sheep

2019-09-17 20:55:51 | 日記
2019年9月17日(Tue.) チョット珍しく、ノルウェーのニュースです。言うまでもなく北欧の中の一国ですが、改めて、現場地域をGoogle Earth などで調べてはどうでしょうか、時間があれば・・・ですが。( ニュースソース: DWーDE 9月16日発 )

Norway: Scores of sheep swept away by flooding
Norwegian police have said more than 100 sheep were swept away by a river during a heavy rainfall. Houses and a retirement home were also cut off by rising water levels.
ノルウェー: 洪水によって多くの羊が流されてしまいました。
ノルウェーの警察によると、大雨による川の氾濫で、100頭以上の羊が流されました。 また、家屋も上昇した水位によって孤立( cut off )されています。

Torrential rain in Norway caused rivers to burst their banks with one waterway sweeping away more than 100 sheep, police said on Monday.
The More and Romsdal police department said it was working with the fire brigade to rescue sheep and bring them to safe ground. It tweeted that more than 100 sheep had been carried away by water from the river Surna some 80 kilometers (50 miles) southwest of the city of Trondheim.
Sheep farmer Harald Kragnes, who had 107 sheep at pasture when the flood struck, said he had lost about half of them.
"It is a desperate situation. I think I've lost over 50 animals," Kragnes told the Verdens Gang tabloid newspaper. "I've also heard that neighbors have missing animals. I've never experienced anything like it."
While many sheep were lost and feared dead, others were believed to have been left stranded on islands along the river. Officials said the river level was on its way down by Monday morning, meaning the chances of saving them were greater. "The forces of nature are working with us," police officer Anders Magne Ormset told the Norway's NRK broadcast news organization.

Some 25 houses and a residential home for the elderly were cut off in the nearby municipality of Krokstadora. However, despite a weekend of heavy wind and rains, the flooding was not believed to have claimed any human victims.

(超抜粋) ノルウェーに於ける激しい雨が原因で土手が決壊し、100頭以上の羊が流されてしまいました、月曜日のことです。
消防隊などが緊急出動し、羊を救出し、安全な場所に移動させました。 川の名前は Surna で、Trondheim の街から南西方向へ80kmほどの場所になります。
また、別の街では、25軒ほどの家屋が孤立しています。しかし、この週末に激しい風と雨があったものの、人的な被害には至っていないようです。 (注: 原文を流し読みして下さい。)




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