オサンポ walk - 鼠走る a rat running

2016年08月29日 | 日記

A rat boy
It was the third times
I've ever seen rat

いやはや、仕事が終わってへぇ〜っとなって歩いていると、右手の建物のスキマから濃い茶色のネズミが一匹走り出てきて目の前を横切り、そのまま左手にある建物のスキマに走り込んで行きました。え?! ネズミ?! 夕方とは言え、まだ陽の明るさが十分あります。え?! ネズミ?!

When I was walking after finishing my work, I was a bit tired, a rat was running out of the gap of the building at the right hand side, ran straight into the gap of building at the left hand side in front of me. What?! RAT?! It was evening but still light. What?! RAT?!
I thought it was a photo opportunity, I tried to focus my iPhone camera on the rat that was moving in the dark, my eyes could see but the camera couldn't. There is a brown round one, it's the rat. It was the third times to bump into a rat, but it was the first time to see it, clearly and identified it for a bit long time in my life. The place where I saw the rat has been developed, many buildings were demolished, so the rat might have lost its den, it might have a trouble to find a new den? (I upped the place on my blog a few weeks ago)
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