オサンポ walk - スキマ草 : ガードレールの切れ目 the edge of crash barrier

2016年08月01日 | 日記
と スキマ草

It started the summer holiday
I'm waving here

道路を渡ろうと思っていると、足元に小さな白い花が束になって揺れていました。「ニラ」ですか? (サクッとネットで調べたところ)

When I passed the road, I found this white small flowers. Is it a kind of chive? ( I did a quick check out on the Internet ) I love this kind of flower, I photographed it closely.
I'm now feeling like to get a digital single-lens reflex or mirrorless system camera. Sometimes I see the clouds in the sky with my feeling...I used to want to be a photographer. (Did I?) in these days, there are many high-spec digital cameras, if you had one of them, you could take photos like a photographer. Because those cameras can allow you to do that. I wanna a camera. How can I make money for it---?

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