日乗 diary - 落としモノ 手袋54 lost glove54

2016年08月23日 | 日記

In the summer
A pari of glove for
Something dropped

バイク用? この壁の裏側は工事中なので工事用? 両手合わせてまとめてポケットに入れてたら落ちちゃった…とかですかな?
何か用の手袋ですね? 何用なんですかね??

Are they for bike or motorbike? Behind the wall, there was under construction. So, is it for a worker? What is it used for? What kind of glove are they? Someone might have put them together then put in the pocket but dropped out??
(Look at them carefully, that seems an Alien would have designed??)
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