スズメ見なくね?29 we haven't seen many sparrows

2017年10月10日 | 日記

When I go to work
Looking for sparrows
I call it "doing sparrows"

会えないと味気なさを感じてしまうので、常に五感をフル稼働させています。鳴き声を耳が捉えたとき、その姿を目が見つけたとき、心の中にガッツポーズ浮かびます。これからはこのような活動を「スズメする」っと呼ぼうかと。って…こうなってくると、スズメなどの小鳥が好きなヒト、っと言うんじゃなくなって、もはやマニア化?(ヤバイですか…? )

I would feel empty when I can't see sparrows or small birds. I try to pay attentions to them as much as I can. If I hear their songs and see them, I'm very satisfied, I get a good sign in my mind. Like this behaviours, I decided I would call it "doing sparrows". Now, I've become a maniac? (I'm crazy...?)
(Sorry for there is no sparrows in the photo. They were surely there...)

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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オサンポ walk - 秋、神無月の蝶 a butterfl , October in autumn

2017年10月10日 | 日記

There is a yellow butterfly
It has a rhythm when he(she) waves his wings
I breath to his rhythm

手を合わせ…と言いますか、呼吸を合わせ…と言いますか。蝶の羽が広がったときに写真を撮りたいワケです。見ていると、一定のリズムで閉じたり開いたりしているみたいで、そのリズムを掴めれば、開いたところが撮れる…のかなと思い、頑張りました。時間があれば、もう少しその羽の動きを見ていたかったですが…。しかし蝶の羽ってすごくモロそうに思えませんか? でもその羽で、日本を縦断したり、海を越えたり、長距離を移動する蝶もいるらしいです。うーむ、ニンゲンが想像するより遥かに丈夫な素材で出来ている…? 何にせよ、その事実にただただ驚嘆感服敬服するばかりです…。

I'd like to photograph his wings' patterns, I caught its open, like with breathing to his movements. I observed a bit while, then I got his rhythm of it. I wish I would have more time to see him. I thought their wings seemed fragile. But with the wings, some butterfly travels from north to south in Japan, some of them go over the sea. Wow. The materials of their wings are stronger that what I think...? Anyway, I'm surprised, impressed and appreciated about their wings.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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