When I go to work
Looking for sparrows
I call it "doing sparrows"
会えないと味気なさを感じてしまうので、常に五感をフル稼働させています。鳴き声を耳が捉えたとき、その姿を目が見つけたとき、心の中にガッツポーズ浮かびます。これからはこのような活動を「スズメする」っと呼ぼうかと。って…こうなってくると、スズメなどの小鳥が好きなヒト、っと言うんじゃなくなって、もはやマニア化?(ヤバイですか…? )
I would feel empty when I can't see sparrows or small birds. I try to pay attentions to them as much as I can. If I hear their songs and see them, I'm very satisfied, I get a good sign in my mind. Like this behaviours, I decided I would call it "doing sparrows". Now, I've become a maniac? (I'm crazy...?)
(Sorry for there is no sparrows in the photo. They were surely there...)
*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
When I go to work
Looking for sparrows
I call it "doing sparrows"
会えないと味気なさを感じてしまうので、常に五感をフル稼働させています。鳴き声を耳が捉えたとき、その姿を目が見つけたとき、心の中にガッツポーズ浮かびます。これからはこのような活動を「スズメする」っと呼ぼうかと。って…こうなってくると、スズメなどの小鳥が好きなヒト、っと言うんじゃなくなって、もはやマニア化?(ヤバイですか…? )
I would feel empty when I can't see sparrows or small birds. I try to pay attentions to them as much as I can. If I hear their songs and see them, I'm very satisfied, I get a good sign in my mind. Like this behaviours, I decided I would call it "doing sparrows". Now, I've become a maniac? (I'm crazy...?)
(Sorry for there is no sparrows in the photo. They were surely there...)
*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.