オサンポ walk - 秋、神無月のアリ an ant, October in autumn

2017年10月04日 | 日記

There is an ant
That is delivering a food
Cicadas' songs from over a head

When I still heard some cicadas' songs, there was an ant that was delivering a food to their tunnel. When we hear cicadas' songs, it means it's still hot. But the ant, he(she?) started to prepare to collect foods for winter. By the fact, I thought that summer would be finished soon it turned winter(too early?), so I felt like to miss them. But I soon realised, he, many ants always collect foods when they find. Right?

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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スズメ見なくね?28 we haven't seen many sparrows

2017年10月04日 | 日記

We used to have sparrows
In the morning
But now it becomes unusual


It's now unusual to see sparrows? I feel like, to see them, it's getting to become difficult to see them, anytime & anywhere. This morning, I hadn't seen them, I begun to think there was no sparrows... but next moment, suddenly two sparrows flew out of a bush.
In the first photo, there are two sparrows on the tree.
If you carefully looked at the second photo, you could find a sparrow.
So, I'm happy to see them but they wouldn't be. Oh my god.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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