オサンポ walk - スキマ草 : たんぽぽと and dandelions

2017年10月02日 | 日記

It's October
Some dandelions are blooming
With a Sukima-soh

え、たんぽぽ咲いてます? っと少し驚いてネットでチェックしてみたら、開花時期が9月までとあってそうでしたかとなるほど納得です。
で、たんぽぽのそばにあった、コンクリート製の、何かを立てるため用っぽい土台? の窪みの中にスキマ草見つけました。こういう上手くハマり込んだ、という感じ見るの好きですが、雨の日に水没するんじゃ? と気になりますが、案外平気なんですかね。

"Oh, are they dandelions?" I was a bit surprised it was October, I checked it out on the internet, some said, their seasons are until September. I see.
Well, I found some Sukima-soh near them, Sukima-soh have lived in the pocket of something that for standing a pole made by concrete. I like seeing like this Sukima-soh, it looks like that they are good at putting them into a narrow space. But I'm a bit worried about if rains drops fall in the hole, then fill it, they would be drown. But they seem ok?

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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オサンポ walk - 秋、神無月のツクツクボウシ some cicadas, it's October in autumn

2017年10月02日 | 日記

It's already October
You've been still singing
Some cicadas!


I've heard some cicadas' songs, I told them it's already October! But when I opened the door, I felt something uncomfortable humidity, I understood why they've been still there. I think that when we hear cicadas' songs, we think it's summer yet. When we did that, it would be difficult to feel Autumn has come. Also, it would be difficult to feel some remains of summer that is going away step by step. But it will be suddenly changed into Autumn?
(About the photo, there are Sakura trees that you could find cicadas on the trees...)

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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日乗 diary - 落としモノ 手袋138 lost glove138

2017年10月02日 | 日記

It's now October
It started, by I found
A pair of gloves

ワーク用かバイク用でしょうか? 落ちて拾われたのかも知れませんね。一対のままに。

Is it for work or motorcycle? It seemed that someone would have picked it up after dropped. As it's a pair of...

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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