オサンポ walk - スキマ草 : 薬局にて2 at the chemist

2017年10月15日 | 日記

The day that has just come
Have to say goodbye

結構しっかりしたボディーをお持ちだったんでね。根元を見ると緑の茎でなく、なんて言うんですか? 細い木の幹みたいに見えるところから、しぶとく三枚の葉が出ていました。おお、あきらめてはいない。ここに、ニンゲンとスキマ草の新たな戦い(?)の、第二章(?)が既に始まっている…と思っていいのでしょか。

I upped this Sukima-soh on the 1st of October 2017 on my blog. (Actually, the photo was taken earlier than up. It happens to others anytime) I saw it a few times when I passed by, but no time to photograph, next time I would have photographed it... but it's gone.
I was a bit surprised when I saw the remains of it, the root, that seemed quite well-build? Not a green cane, like a brown thin trunk. It had small two leaves, it's like new burgeons. It never gives up.
Here would be the second chapter of a battle of humans and the Sukima-soh.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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