ホンヨミ Book-loving 「山怪 (弐)」Sankai No.2(spiritual creatures in mountains)

2017年10月25日 | 日記

The mystery of mountains
The secrets of wonder
Only moon knows

山に行かなくなって久しい…。ですか? ハイキングや山登り、散策等で行く機会はあっても、山の近くで生活したり仕事をしたり…となると、一昔前と比べると、山との関わりが減ってしまっている、ように思います。そうなると、山にいる(と思われる)何がしかの存在、山で起きるあれやこれやのコト…などに触れたり経験する機会も同じように減ってしまう。山の中で起きることは、町の中でも起きる可能性はある(?)と思いますが、それをそれと分かるニンゲンの能力が町の中だと低めになってしまうような気がします。それは何故か? 便利さがそういうものを必要とさせなくなるから? 町の中では、自然の中で生き抜くために必要な能力がそれほど必要ではない…から(?)。

Haven't you gone to any mountains? Hiking, climbing and just walking. We've still got many opportunities to go to mountains but less work and live nearby than the past days. Some people and I, believe that something like spiritual things or creatures ARE in the mountains. But we're not going there, so we don't feel nor find anything like that. I think something happens in mountains, it would also happen in towns. But our special abilities(?) that could feel... something spirituals, are getting less nowadays because when we live a convenient town, we wouldn't need it.
I love animals and natures. I have got some strange experiences. That's why, I'm interested in this book. (Sorry, this book is only in Japanese. These essays (short stories) are true. The author collected them from the people who work at or live close to the mountains. I'd like to keep(have) this kind of special abilities that could feel and know about other creatures in the mountains, even if we are in towns.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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