一年前を振り返る…look back to a year ago--- Christmas decorations

2016年12月14日 | 日記
去年の冬 暖か過ぎの デコレーション Last winter in 2016 It was too warm And the decorations こちら恐らくご近所のクリスマスデコレーションだと思います。去年はこんなだったのね…全然覚えていません。ブログって、素晴らしい備忘録になりますね。 I think the decorations might have been seen in the neighbourhood. It's last year's. Well, I don't remember it at all... I strongly believe this blog can be a excellent diary, like an aide-memoire. (何故か"改行"が反映されず…。読みづらくてすみません…) (I wouldn't be sure why they can't begin a new line, sorry for reading uncomfortably)
オサンポ walk - クリスマス電飾 the Christmas lights
23度から始まるクリスマスOn 23 C(degrees)The Christmas lightsHave just began 12月なのに暑い? なんで??とい......


*I'm not sure if my English grammars' are correct.
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日乗 diary - 落としモノ 手袋71 lost glove71

2016年12月14日 | 日記

I dropped my glove
Being picked up by
A cold wind

何故撮れなかったのかと言うと、バッテリー切れ! 寒いと消耗が早いですね。そして写真がいっぱいなのにPCに取り込めない! ケーブルの調子がよくないみたいで…。多難です。

I found another "dropped (lost) glove" a few days ago, I couldn't photograph it because of running out of battery. I felt I missed a opportunity...(sorry for your lost). In winter, battery is soon dead.
There is the other problem, I have failed to put my photos in iPhone into my PC. It seems the cable wouldn't work properly. Oh my god.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars' are correct.
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