

メール相談 アメリカの男性ならヒトによって受け付ける理由

2012-09-19 00:15:00 | メール相談 アメリカ人の男性


メール相談がくる。内容は略する。以下私の返事 英文で即応する。

----- Original Message -----

Dear ▼ . Bill

 Thank you for your sending me an e-mail.

The tapering of doxazosin has no present problem unless you have no urinary disturbance.

Muscle exercises will make you be younger day by day.

I recommend you to see an physician after 3 month-taking CH pills, however,

many kinds of western-medical laboratory data won't explain completely how much you get younger and longevity,

thus, some kind of secret of Chinese traditional medicine is surely be mysterious.

Do you need each component of CH pills be written in English or in Chinese?

Give me please a couple of days to see Chinese-English dictionary.

To an excellent doctor

Best regards






Subject: Patient Follow-Up

Suzuki sensei,
Konnichi wa!
 Your Californian patient is reporting in!  It has been
about 3 weeks since I began taking the Chinese herbal pills (8A + 8B
+ 5C, twice a day) in addition to my other medicines and
 In the next 3 weeks I'm going to gradually taper my
dose of doxazosin (the alpha blocker) from 2 mg BID to 2 mg q a.m.
and 1 mg q p.m. (a small decrease, as you see).
 If there are no
consequences (as measured by ease of urination) I'll continue to
gradually taper, unless you advise me otherwise.

I've been regularly doing the exercises you suggested for my back,
and my back seems to be improving faster
than it was before visiting
 Thank you again for your advice.

Please advise me how long you think I should continue on the current
Chinese herbal pill formulation (3 months? 6 months?) before seeing
someone to re-examine me and modify the prescription.   In any event,
would you please be so kind as to send me the composition of the
pills so that I can either get them made up here or let the doctor
here know what I have been taking? Arigato.

I would like to again express my appreciation for the time you took
with me and the effort you made to explain the Chinese system to one
whose mind is so deeply rooted in Western ways of thinking.
arigato gozaimashita.