

Wild strawberry ?

2013-05-11 21:00:58 | 学・楽・感

I saw the leaves at the end of March when I was walking to my mother's nursery home.
I thought this shape of leaf might be strawberry!

A month later I saw some yellow flowers. Yellow?
Is strawberry blossom yellow?
But I know Hebi-ichigo has Yellow blossom.
Hebi-ichigo means snake strawberry but it isn't the real name.
We only called them so when I was a child.

I also could see some small berry.
Wild berry was too small.

And 2weeks later I saw bigger berries!
they are very beautiful rad!!

I took one and...

I bit it a little. Of course I cleaned it with water at the station.
It had no taste. Not sweet. Not sour. Why?
Were they Hebi-ichigo?