Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


African competition

2013-10-19 19:30:08 | Soccer/football

 Hi, everyone.

 Last weekend, I was asked by a former teammate to play for his team named for Ghana. All members of the team has its heritage but myself. The league is so called African nation's cup tournament in which 12 teams(all african teams) in total has been playing for over 3 months every year.

 There were sprinkling of whites playing out there, but I didn't see any asians there at all. I was the only one asian who creeped into the field and play with all africans. haha 

 To tell the truth, I don't like to play with these types of people as they are so rough on the pitch!! I very much feel the disadvantage of physical ability agaist their natural power. They are generally so fast and strong way above the average of asians. 

 As anticipated, I got smashed by the defender who faced me in the game. He came from behind and smashed me as soon as I got to the ball in the middle area. We never call it a good challenge. It was just a stupid and dangerous tackle!! And the next moment I realized that my whole body was off the ground, and hit the ground headfirst. I had the biggest concussion I've never had before, and felt that the brain still shook with no sense of balance, and my mouth started being numb.

 But the coach still urged me to go back to the pitch despite I frowed on it!!

 Luckily, I felt the condition had eased up after few minites, and he still looked like he wanted to send me back, so I did and play to the end.

 We couldn't win the game in the end, but I really enjoyed it with full of intensity in the game. I loved it. And I have to be skilled in full of physical contacts and collisions on the pitch through the game like this.







 そこでグラウンドの外に出て、監督が一言、「いけるだろ?」。 「・・・無理っぽい」と答えたのに、1分後にまた来て、「どうだ?いけるだろ?」、「わかった」と結局また2,3分して戻りました。危険ですよねぇ。荒れたピッチで何度も蹴られたし試合後は痛いところだらけ。けど楽しいんだわ。
