Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


Olympic in 2020

2013-09-09 16:03:13 | Diary

 Olympic in Japan has been set in 2020!!

 Do you know this tremendous news just announced yesterday morning. I can't even imagine the biggest sport event is going to be held in my country as I'm living oversea now, and I didn't know about the news at all until it was locked in. 

 I just woke up yesterday morning as normal, and booted my laptop to check some news on a Japanese website. And the news came up on the image as a top line. I couldn't help but checking it out well. 

 It's coming to Tokyo in 7 years from now on. I will be around middle of 30's, and probably I will settle back into the familiar surroundings then. Actually, 7 years sounds like a very long time, but it will go by so fast. I really hope we get together and get down to the tourist industry to dissminate what Japan is like to the world.

 I can't keep down my emotion all come from too much excitement at the moment. I'm very happy to be a part of the event during my lifetime.

 I think it would be a perfect chance to introduce my country to all my friends in the world who have been connected on Facebook!!





 7年後は34才。恐らく、その時には日本に帰って何かしら仕事をしてるでしょう。笑 オーバーエイジで本気でオリンピック目指してるなんてことは・・・。


