Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


vs Eastern Suburbs

2013-07-21 01:09:05 | Soccer/football

 Hi, boys and girls.

 We took on Eastern Suburbs last weekend who hammered us by 4 goals last time we strived at our home. So we went on with fine-tuning on the formation, and replaced some players from the previous match. That's why I was actually put in the defense line as a right full-back where I had never played since when I was a kid!!

 It didn't really matter to me at the time, I mean, I couldn't afford to think about something else but focusing on the game. As a result, we had a much better result than the last time with a meaningful loss 1-2 in compaison with a hopeless and miserable one 1-5 of the previous result. However, loss is loss, nothing else. Our performance edged up to the better sides, but can't get points from them. 

 On another note, it was a kind of memorable game for me as I could finally stand on the same field with Yoshi-san who is my big brother in Australia. To stretch the point a bit, one of my dreams in my entire life came true on that time. haha  Anyway, he is one of the respectable person from my heart for me. But unfortunately... he got sent off in the early second half with two yellow cards given!! At that moment, I thought we could win this game cuz we were still 1-0 up, but the referee messed up our hope with two silly and inexplicable judgements in the late second half. That was soooo rediculous!! He should be disqualified right now as a ref!!

 Oh.. man.. I can't sleep... 







