Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


All set for NZ!!

2013-07-18 02:56:14 | Diary

 Hi, everyone.

 There are still a couple of weeks to unfold this trip plan for NZ, but I can't help but telling it right now. I've just booked a ticket and reach there on 31th, and flying back to Gold Coast on 3rd. It's a very short stay, but I just want to make the most of the 4 days to catch up with friends there. 

 And the first thing on my check-list during the visit is to reunite with the kids who had been coaching when I was there last year. I can't literally wait to see them again!! It's gonna be a wonderful moment beyond description for me.

 By the way, I have something to tell you guys who live in Auckland at the moment. It's a kind of a favor to ask.. Let me stay your house during the 4 days if anyone has a spare room. I'm not asking you to let me freeload off you. I would pay for the rent that you request. 

 If you keen for that or know somebody to provide me a cheap room, hit me up on my email here.







