Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


Oh... let me play..plz...

2013-04-07 22:51:51 | Soccer/football

 Hi, guys.  

 Anything can happen. That's what I really want to say now. The other day, we had the 4th game of the season. As I've told you since last week, I thought I could play on the day and was perfectly preparing for it mentally and phycally. However, it ended up the worst senario that I couldn't get a chance to play as I wasn't cleared by Brisbane football by the game day.

 I got a call from an unknow number in the morning on the game day. It was actually the coach of my team. And he said "your clearance hasn't been done yet, so I can't let you play for the game today, sorry. I was thinking that I would like to put you as a striker in the starting of the game, but it's very but news for us."

 To be honest, I couldn't find any answer afterwards. I was being so irritated. I was about to go insane!!I couldn't still believe what I wasn't able to play on the day, so I called the secretary of the team to double-check, but a miracle didn't happen.

 We haven't had any points this season yet. it looks like we are getting closer to our first win, yea we are obvoulsly getting better now. And I've felt so much expectations of the lads, and I just want to live up to it as soon as I can.

 Let me play, GOD!!! 






自分「だれ?」 A「俺だ。監督のジョンだ」 自分「え、どうしたの?」 監督「今最終確認してもらったが、まだお前は登録完了していないみたいなんだ。インドからの移籍手続きがまだ終わってないんだよ。」 自分「・・・。」


