Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


Holiday 3

2011-10-10 23:47:11 | Diary
Hi, there!!

How have u been, guys??

I got back home in NZ two days ago. the time in NZ really flew by. Anyway I had a great time over there and I was also realized that the great time I got in the past really flew by... I was just about to burst out crying when I have to say Good bye to my close friends at airport. One of the friends was being late actually to get to airport cuz the had work on that day, so I got a lift to airport from the other friend. The time when he arrived at there was just before the time I had to pass the gate that I couldn't see him any more if I passed it.
That's why I was awaiting him as long as I could to say 'Thank u' to him. At that time, I just wanted to tell him the word directly as he really looked after me during this holidays. He was nothing short of my real friend in the world.

THANKS, MY FRIEND!!!I hope u will see this heartful article, haha.

By the way, I visited a lot of beautiful places I have been before, but I felt that Australia was so wonderful country to live for me. Especially, when it comes to the weather in NZ, it's crap!! It's unbearable honestly... On the other hand, Brisbane is continuously fine. This is what I want!!!

And I also went to a night club, hung around town of the city to chase girls who walked up and down on the street and a person took me a spacious and a bit rounchy place outside town... That wa a great experience, anyway...haha

In any case, I had so much fun in Brisbane with all my friends who is a huge treasure and invaluable. Thanks to them, I have never regretted to dashed out of Japan. I will see u guys definitely soon!!!

 一昨日NZに帰って来ました。再び入国審査を受けたけど、まぁ問題なく。慣れたモンです。笑 おかげで結構パスポートのハンコも増えてきましたね。


 もちろんブリスベンの町もGCのビーチも、そして色んな旧友とのサッカー・食事会。一時、シドニーに小旅行行くかと誘われたんやけど、サッカーの試合が入った為キャンセルした!笑 もちろんレベルは高くないけど、自分にとっては今の時期にこなせる良い実践の機会やし、完全にガチでやりました。笑

 GCのビーチに行ったときも、砂浜で友達と二人でビーチサッカー!笑 海には一回も入ってねぇわ。奏功してたら、中国人の男の子が乱入。1時間くらい3人でボール蹴ってミニゲームして・・・。その子が去ってから今度はイラン人の2人組が試合を申し込んできた!のでガチ対決で結果は・・・わからん!負けずキライなんで勝ったということにしておこう。笑

