Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


Holiday 2

2011-10-03 01:21:26 | Diary
Hi, guys.

today, I just wanna talk about my flatmates that I'm temporarily living with now in Australia. But they are not flatmates, actually as I just stayed at their home while I'm in Brisbane.
They are a couple who has been living together for about last a half year, and I met him first of course through football when I was playing for the first team I played in Brisbane called Taring Rovers that is one of a local club here. He had already been playing for the club before I participated it.
Actually, at that time, maybe I guess I couldn't speak in English well at least as much as I can do now, but he always tried to be friendly to me, so I could feel very familiar to him. And then we were getting to know each other at every training sessions and off the pitch.
To be honest, the reason I chose this country that visits during this holidays was him. He told me that he would organize all I need while staying in Brisbane, and all you will do here is just football with mates who still live here. As a result, I am just playing football now here as he said to me. I really appreciate them what they've done for me and I also seriously think that I have to return the compliments little by little.

I have still another one week here. I will try my best to enjoy as much as I could.

I have to value the people I have encountered and I will so in the future. Likewise, football, which brings encounters with many people is very challenging, and so, I always feel satisfied.







 サンクス、KIWI n JO!!