Hi, there. Are you surprised at my blog as you found a new entry two days in a row that is really rare on my blog. haha
I'd like to just say that I discovered a really raging song yesterday. As you know on this blog title, That's 'Last friday night' sung by Katy perry who is one of the sexiest artist in the world.
If you have spare time, just check it out unless you don't still know.
I often listen to her songs when I head for training and game. Mainly I listen to the music just before game in order to get myself a bit crazy in a way. Or I usually try to grab some specific songs that are all my favorite one when I'm in gym and of course its on the way and back. The reason is if I don't get any music when I work out hard in a gym, I may compromise myself in the training. I don't wanna do that actually, but if I get my favorite song in gym, I can keep working as hard as I can cuz music can makes me more exicited than nothing that takes me away from fatigue accumulated.
If you feel that a fatigue reaches your limit in training, just try doing that couple more times. It would makes you stronger for sure. I try to do it every time.
今日のブログはほんまどうでもええけど、この「Last Friday night」という曲にハマっているというお知らせ。笑
Katy Perryが歌ってるんやけど、彼女の歌う曲はテンション上がるんで良く聞いてます。洋楽好きな人・クラブよく行く人なんかは知ってるハズ。暇な人は聞いてみてください。
I'd like to just say that I discovered a really raging song yesterday. As you know on this blog title, That's 'Last friday night' sung by Katy perry who is one of the sexiest artist in the world.
If you have spare time, just check it out unless you don't still know.
I often listen to her songs when I head for training and game. Mainly I listen to the music just before game in order to get myself a bit crazy in a way. Or I usually try to grab some specific songs that are all my favorite one when I'm in gym and of course its on the way and back. The reason is if I don't get any music when I work out hard in a gym, I may compromise myself in the training. I don't wanna do that actually, but if I get my favorite song in gym, I can keep working as hard as I can cuz music can makes me more exicited than nothing that takes me away from fatigue accumulated.
If you feel that a fatigue reaches your limit in training, just try doing that couple more times. It would makes you stronger for sure. I try to do it every time.
今日のブログはほんまどうでもええけど、この「Last Friday night」という曲にハマっているというお知らせ。笑
Katy Perryが歌ってるんやけど、彼女の歌う曲はテンション上がるんで良く聞いてます。洋楽好きな人・クラブよく行く人なんかは知ってるハズ。暇な人は聞いてみてください。