Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


Croatian Club

2010-07-04 22:19:25 | Soccer/football
Hi, everbody!! How are u??

I joined the training of Croatian team only once to think about transfer, however I couldn't make it because it was too late to apply for transfer so it was not accepted.
I think the transfer window has been closed since in the begining of last month because the season has already come to halfway.

I was disappointed a bit when I knew it, but I could come to terms clearly with it.

The thing is, I had thought of transfering to other teams and change the environment because I can hardly play as a starting line-up at the moment. I know I'm not capable of playing for top team now, and you may feel like I'm just running away from the problem.

That's also the reason why I couldn't make the decision earlier. I felt like running away from the situation facing now.
But now all my concerns are gone. I just do my best for the current team.

And the club I joined the training is like Croatian club, I mean, the club was built by Croatian immigrants community. As a matter of cource, almost players playing for this club is from Croatian, which has a typical name at the end of their names ... '-vic'something like that.

In Australia, there are a lot of comunity of each country depends on the suburb, so no wonder why these club was built by their communty.









