Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


Business College

2010-04-14 19:59:13 | Diary
Hi mates!!
I got impaired muscle on my left thigh. I don't know what's happening to it, but I feel like sticking something into my thigh. Maybe I got the injury while we were doing a physical training.
I might have just cramp up in it.

Anyway, I started to go to school for business thesedays, that's the reason why it keeps me busy for last couple weeks.
Actually, I didn't want to go to school any more, so I didn't have no intention of studying English at school because I had thought negative thing about language school it wouldn't improve my English.
it might have been kind of bias or something.

But my visa will expire on 17th of May, so we need to extend it somehow to keep playing soccer until the season ends.
That's why I had to decide to be a student.

I study for Business.

The school isn't a normal language school, called business college. so we need to pass the exam of the class before enter, but we don't have to take IELS test in advance, anyway if you have fundamental skills of English, you should be enough.

Almost students of this class need to turn up a class only twice a week, some people can choose one day school a week as an expection. Our course is divided every 6 months, we can extend the period freely if you want.
As a matter of cource, frequency of the attendance is less than average, so the tuition is much lower which is maybe about half price.
But basically, the business course was set up for students who hope want to stay more in Australia, I mean, to stretch the point a bit, some people think of just extending their own visa instead of paying money for the school.

But we have to turn up all class we got for sure unless you get a special reason to absent from class.
Moreover, we get some homeworks and assighment as group-work and have to hand them in by its deadline.

My schedule is much tighter than before, but I can arrange them somehow by myself.
In this September, I will be released from everything.









