Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


My celebrity

2010-02-10 14:13:59 | Diary
Hi, doing mate?

I'll introduce some respectable athletes in my mind. Sometime I get depressed and disapointed myself after game or training because all things on me doesn't always go well.
Sometimes we get an unhappy thing and hear a bad news in our life, at that time I watch their documentary story on Youtube to try to keep positive.

The persons are Kenji Fukuda, Keisuke Honda, Hozumi Hasegawa, Tabuse Yuta.

All of them are really famous and popular with Japanese because they always try something, try to do their best.
In Japan, I think it's not easy for us to do our best for our dream until be nearly 30 years old because we have to keep motivetion and believe ourself all the time. Especially in Japan, it's more difficult to kepp doing that than other countries because we have to break through many social problems and sort them out.
What are they?

I guess what it's most biggest thing is in japanese character. it's hard to explain it, but most of Japanese males try to walk same track in Japanese social system. For example, As you get 18 years old, go to Uni and then after graduate it, you start job-hunting.
I think I feel like being set all up like that, we get just little options im Japan. If you trace a different way and then you fail to success it, you will be spoiled out of Japanese society because the career is very important thing on the society, so we can't be accepted any excuses.

It's a small world... unfortunately

But the four brave athletes seem to have no fear. That's why they can encourage someone to do something, i think.











