Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


My future plan 今後の活動予定

2016-09-04 21:11:07 | 自己紹介/self-introduction

Hi, guys.

Let me talk about what I am going to do after settling in Japan. It will probably be in early 2018 for now. It could change later on, but at the moment..

Then my biggest goal would be to launch my own soccer academy in Kansai area, where includes my home city, Osaka. I haven't decided yet exactly where I get my stranglehold, but it should be around Osaka.

And my next stage from this coming new year would be in Ireland. I have made up my mind to depart for there on a working holiday, which is my forth times in my life, following on Australia, Newzealand and Canada. Every decision for the countries was based on my future plan that I have told earlier. That means they are where you get to learn English and play soccer. 

And I want to mix these two things up in my soccer academy in Japan. My idea is very simple. I would like to creat a place where kids get to improve skills of these two things on the soccer field. I guess some of you guys still don't get what I am picturing in my mind. It's gonna be a long story if I describe it all right now, so let me put it off next time.

Now, I am pretty excited with the nex journey in Ireland. I expect that it's gonna be more difficult in every respect for sure since it is way more unfamiliar for Japanese so that I won't be able to adapt to a new enviroment in there as smooth as I could in Vancouver. 

But I have demolished lots of barriers and difficulties ahead of my way before. So I always try to believe in what I decide no matter what happens in the country. Try to stick to a plan A, never think about a plan B cuz it ends up distracting you from the plan A!!

Stick to my guns!!










2 コメント

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Unknown (ラモスヘアー)
2016-09-06 19:54:51

Unknown (ラモス)
2016-09-07 15:14:52

