Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


Enjoyable life!!

2012-07-10 00:58:59 | Diary

 Hi, how have you been ,everyone?


 It has been for about two weeks since I last updated on this blog. Actually I haven't done it before... But time has flown so fast as if it was just a moment. 

 In the meanwhile, I visited my teachers and professors at University and talk a lot about the life in India and football there. And I got a big surprise that I was invited to the room of the provost of university then. They seemed to plan it in secret, so one of the staffs in university suddenly took me into the guest room to let me see the top. in the first few moments, I didn't know what to do in there and what kind of topics I should take to start the convesations with him... but as time went on and on, I got the feel of the place with him and had a great time.


 And I played two Futsal competitions with my mates who got to know one another at university , and we all had belonged to soccer club at university and had the same time with them for 4 years during university. every time I get back to Japan, they all gathered to meet me and play together as reminding me the old days.

 As a result, we won the both competitions in the end!! we had a great memory after all.

 Anyway, I reunited with a lots of people who are all very important to me, and I got heaps of fuels and new motivations from all of them for the next season and absorb new things from their stories.

 Big thanks to all for that!! I have become a stronger person than I was a month ago. I'm pretty sure that I had fabulous times and lots of great friends who I want to keep the relationships till I die.  


 Thank you!!













2 コメント

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Unknown (ラモスヘアー)
2012-07-13 18:20:25
Unknown (bac)
2012-07-17 23:59:18



