Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


Car inspection

2009-01-20 23:18:05 | Australia
How's going mate?(How are you of Aussie English)

Not too bad.

Anyway I'm gradually getting used to life in Brisbane. So not too bad!!
Because I'm living in here with beautiful location,gentle share owner,loving friend.

However happiness doesn't last such a long time. Oneday I went to repair shop to inspect my car. what's call regular inspestion once a half year(semi-annual)

And it was the worst consequence as I had feared. because the repairing cost against my car was very expensive more then I thought. I was said that costs at least more than 2000 dollars!! I couldn't believe this the moment I heard it.

After all I repaired for 1400 dollars. this was minimum price for what I had to repair.
Anyway it was all done. so my car completely recovered at the moment.
That's why I'll be able to drive at ease.








 では、SEE YOU   BYE!!


5 コメント

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Unknown (Marc Sheffner)
2009-01-21 07:14:57
Great pic. I read your blog regularly. What happened to the "workaholic"ワーホリ blog entry? It appeared in my blog reader, but I can't find it on your blog. It was great. I want my students to read it. Please put it back!!
Unknown (bacteria)
2009-01-21 11:19:54
what does it mean by 'workaholic'?
I don't know what you're looking for, sorry.
Could you tell more specific, please?
You want your students to read my last blog when I used to go to England I made?
Unknown (Marc Sheffner)
2009-01-22 23:53:01
I mean blog post title "What I just wanna say to you and myself." First sentence is "THE ワーホリの皆様に!! " What happened to it? It disappeared!!
Unknown (bacteria)
2009-01-26 22:26:00
Ahhh!! understood what you mean.
However It has gone, sorry. I wiped it out a while ago. I reconized that that sentence was just my own ego trip.
I just sliped into self complacency.That's why I erased it. I gonna rewrite in near days after get enough experience about it.

Unknown (Marc Sheffner)
2009-01-31 07:56:53
Naruhodo. It looked interesting, tho. Challenging people's normal thinking. I look forward to your next blog post. Hang in, there. Freedom is not easy in this world. It is not given to us, we have to make it by ourselves.
