Hi, guys.
Finally I got back home in Japan!! It took us about a day from Mexico to Japan with 2 connecting flights at Guadalajara and Los Angels. I hated it the whole time.
This entry is sequel of the previous one(Canadian Rockies 1).
First of all, It’s the Minnewanka lake, located at only 5km away from Banff. It it had been a sunny day, the surface of the lake would have been emerald green. It's known for that here.
Minnewanka lakeというロッキー見物拠点の町BANFFからすぐのところにある湖。天気だったらエメラルドの湖面で美しいそう。この日は曇りで残念。
It was still cloudy, unfortunately. It would have been Turquise blue!! It is the Peyto lake.
I personally liked this most!! The Moraine lake.
個人的には一番綺麗だとおもったMoraine lake。
This is the Lake Louise with amazingly clear water. There is also a good hiking trail by the lake and get to see a beautiful view from the summit. I just heard about it as we had no time to try it out!! Gosh!!!
こちらはBanffとJasperという拠点地の中継点の町であるLake Louiseという町のところにある湖。ここは素晴らしいハイキングコースがあるそうで、そこから見る景色も最高だとか。私たちはあいにく時間がなくていけなかったですが、時間がある方は是非。