Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


An announcement. 帰国報告

2016-10-18 19:22:25 | Diary




 日本への帰国は10月27.28日前後になるかと思います。その後サッカーコーチングの関係でアイルランドに1年行くので年明けまでは日本にいると思いますので、どんな事でも、できるだけ色んな方々とお会いできればと思っています。個人的にご連絡いただければお時間は必ず調整しますので、もし興味があればご連絡ください。 までお願いします。


Hi, guys.

I would like to make a quick anouncement. Recently I have swamped with so many things and errands to do so that I couldn't update any entry on this blog. Sorry about that.

All of a sudden, I am now in Peru. Why? yes, that's because I wanted to look around the other end of the world someday. Then I have made it, and barely surviviing right now. haha Let me update on this crazy journey another time.

The real anouncement is that I am returning home on 27 or 28th of October, of course it is Japan, Osaka. After that, I will be leaving for Ireland for a year for my coaching career establishment for my future dream so that I will be able to be in Japan until early next year(till mid of Jan or so on..).

So Please drop me an email if you are interested in what I am doing and the soccer academy that I am looking at in 2018. I will definitely try to accommodate to your schedule for a meeting arrangement.

Please contact me on

Thank you.