Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


How important is English in oversea.

2011-01-22 00:43:09 | Diary
Hi, guys.

I've been a new city in NZ for almost 2months now. Before settling down in this city, I had assumed that I would be sick of here because I thought it would have nothing to do enjoyable things here, but now I've enjoyed a mix of native and rural environments around the city.

I could make some kiwi's friends in the soccer team, and I do training myself when I have some spare time and also have team training sessions three days a week, so I'm really busy.

By the way, you know why I could assimilate myself to a new surrounding so fast??
It reminds me about the begining of the life in Australia about two and half years ago. At that time, I had held back from doing something all the time because my English level was extremely poor. That's the only biggest reason for me - maybe for anyone as well.
As you know, this is oversea, so we need to communicate one another whenever we go, whatever we do. However I couldn't buy what I wanted at Mc'donald originally. But it's different now. My english got improved so much and I can usually do anything by myself without someone's help whatever I want to do.
This is not conceit myself. I haven't thought that my english has been reaching at enough level.
What I want to say is I was shamed million times before and felt miserable myself on the way now, but I didn't drop it out. I didn't stop on the half way either. I desperate faced up to like the punishing days oversea, that's way I've still survived.

A successful footballer saied on the interview. 'Even if you face heaps of difficulty matters on the way to your dream and goal, it would be turning to process of your successful story when you could make it'.


住めば都なんていいますが、こんな田舎な町でももう2か月で都になりました。笑 今は、友達ができ、色んな施設がチームに所属してるおかげで無料で使えたり、毎日慌しい日々です。



