
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!

589.What can I see?

2009-04-13 12:26:37 | Editor's note

Around one year ago, I went to Berlin to watch Henin-san. But It was certainly I felt German history more than I expected... My self-satisfied clip "Berlin!" was described about Henin-san as a main., but of course, I felt something historical a little.

I don't know the detail about German history. But speaking of German war, in my image, it's just Nazis and the Holocaust... A long time ago, this country was militarism., hmm., Japan too., they did wrong things. And., they had defeat in war... Germany was separated to East and West by Berlin Wall.., What feeling did they have..? This photo is the monument to the Holocaust.

* Stiftung Denkmal fuer die ermordeten Juden Europas

I have been to the city in the former West Germany. In my opinion, I felt that city was bigger than Berlin as a city. But the capital city in Germany is Berlin. Before defeat in war, it was Berlin, and after German Unification, it was just Berlin. I seemed to feel German mind a little..? In early morning on May 8th, 2008, I went to this monument. There's information center under this monument, but I went to go to watch Henin-san♪

* Berlin(Wikipedia)

If you turn around this monument, you can see some modern buildings like Roppongi-hiruzu. It's only twenty years since the Berlin Wall falls... The road and nature were beautiful. They dealt with the big change., and they made a peace. This country knows the wrong things and lost, Japan too., it might be a valuable presence... Deep history... Strong is not only win.., I think so a little...

* The wall of Berlin(Wikipedeia)

The last photo of my clip is the souvenirs of "The wall of Berlin". The wall-chan had heavy background and became history.., in the end, it became the souvenirs... And the wall-chan was bought by crazy Japanese who came there to watch Belgian... I think "I'm sorry about my attitude" a little.., but I felt German history by my own view. Thank you, Berlin!

* YouTube【My channel】