◯The Fukushima Crisis763;Fierce Crime!! / Dr?山下俊一,福島医大が大ウソ

2014-03-13 07:47:03 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

03/13/2014 Kunihiko Takeda (Chubu University)
Fukushima Medical College -- the large lie = -- the Toshikazu Yamashita . present nuclear regulation agency agency director general and Fukushima Medical College
Don't relax the nuclear power plant data inquiry (6) attention for mother! .. The Fukushima team of doctors is a large lie (March 4, Heisei 26).
"youso1_2014030410461046.mp3" is downloaded.
although there was a rumor from before, and the team of doctors of "Fukushima said to the people of the prefecture, "it is safe", one were drinking the stable iodine tablet (inhibitor of a thyroid cancer) as "since it is dangerous" -- " -- the shocking fact to say became clear.
It is a terrible incident although most NHK etc. have not reported.
The order of things is as follows.
The Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster in March, 2011 happened, and Fukushima Prefecture and a team of doctors repeated "it is OK."
On the other hand, the Fukushima prefectural office obtained 1,140,000 doses of stable iodine tablets in a hurry, and distributed them to the self-governing body.
However, except for Miharu-cho, it was not distributed to the people of the prefecture.
"Although there had been no data about contamination, the opinion of the authority of the medical world had influenced greatly." (Takeda notes: there was a statute)
It is because the National Institute of Radiological Sciences (research institution of a country) announced immediately "It must not take an iodine tablet in the kitchen until directions come out" after the accident.
Furthermore, Mr. Toshikazu Yamashita (an additional post of a prefectural Fukushima Medical College vice president is held the Fukushima adviser and now the doctor ? and those days) concludes "If about 30 km away from the Fukushima nuclear power plant, the exposure dose of iodine tablet distribution is unnecessary at 1 millisievert or less" in several days.
It said also in the people-of-the-prefecture-oriented lecture, "Even if the child is playing outside, he is satisfactory."
On the other hand, Fukushima Medical College obtains 4000 doses of iodine tablets from a prefecture.
It began to distribute from March 12 and also supplied widely the personnel's family and student who do not engage in medical practice.
Then, the method of administration by "Melt in water and drink immediately" is guided.

"After the accident occurred, there were some doctors who stopped coming to a hospital, and agitation had spread.
It seems that the upper levels opted for distribution of the iodine tablet in order to calm confusion of the House.
It is said that and it was covered with gag law about this side and distribution which have not advised administration to a prefecture" (medical college personnel).
The doctor was worried that health may be injured by contamination.
A certain doctor has said the state of those days as follows.
"While there was neither information nor data, it decided on distribution of a medical college school staff and a family in order to suppress the basis of recognition that it must remain in the spot to the last as a medical institution, and agitation of the personnel.
The student was supplied widely because uneasiness had spread.
The reason for having forced it gag law was that Fukushima Medical College will make an original standard, while the standard of dosing instruction was shown to residents from neither a country nor a prefecture." (public-relations strategy room)
Although the section chief of the Fukushima community medicine division had hidden the fact at first, it is explaining as follows now.
"The iodine tablet was distributed to each self-governing body which is in a 50-km within the circle from a Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.
It is because there is no not having directed distribution to residents and it was not able to cross the data to judge.
It is a thing for the doctor etc. who go out to a stricken area which was distributed to Fukushima Medical College.
A question will be felt if the medical college distributed even to the family or the student. "
saying [ a "doctor" ], as written also to this blog again and again -- 1 -- receiving advanced training for a long period of time, and having two state qualifications -- 3 -- they are the special professionals of not being accused of bodiy injury even if it is not discharged easily but damages people's body under 4 medical treatment.
Thus, even if that the doctor is taken care of considers "people's life and health" in the first place no matter what case it may be, and he becomes disadvantageous, it will be because "people's life and health" are considered and it enables it to act.
The doctor knows that it is in a state dangerous for its life and health, [ 1 ] 2) hide it (saying that health is not affected, without saying to residents positively), and only 3 ones protect (administration of an iodine tablet) -- 4 -- having hidden the fact, Since a doctor's fundamental qualification is missing, the Fukushima team of doctors who took the iodine tablet has to return medical licence "altogether."
And a country educates "the doctor ethics and specialist ethics" of a certain fixed period to the doctor who returned, does a re-examination, has a feeling of ethics needed as a doctor, and should do the reconfirmation law only of those who can take the action respected as a specialist at the time of any crises.
It is thought that "it is the bodiy injury of a"intentionally mostly to see the state " of the thyroid abnormalities of the children of present Fukushima" is asked. [ which is arranged to this fact and next time ]
It wants it to be important for this point that the Public Prosecutor's Office turns a positive target on a people side earnestly, and to wait for judgment.

(March 4, Heisei 26)
Kunihiko Takeda
(C) Kunihiko Takeda (Chubu University) Please freely [ quotation ]

03/13/2014 武田邦彦(中部大学)




















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