◯ “Japanese is not samurai,but Coward.” re-up versi.「日本人はさむらいではない。臆病者である」

2016-01-09 01:49:55 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS
○ Japanese is not samurai,but Coward.2007-09-27 18:18:21

“Japanese is not samurai,but Coward.”

Financial Times's 1st page.Sept.Thur.13 2007

The Financial Times conveyed an opinion with one in possibility of the Marine Self Defense Force warship withdrawal. Because other countries must take it over if the Marine Self Defense Force does not start supply vessels, I consider Japan to be disgraceful "running away in the face of the enemy".
British writer, George Orwell speak a blind spot in such a national security more than half a century ago. The reason why "it is possible for them "" abandonment "" by violence a pacifist is that other human beings use violence in place of them"



イギリスの作家、ジョージ・オーエルはこのような国家安全保障上の盲点を、半世紀以上前に述べている。「平和主義者: 彼らが暴力を"”放棄”"できるのは、他の人間が彼らに代わって暴力を行使してくれるからだ」

