

Hobbit (4)

2007-02-27 04:51:27 | TAMA NOTE
“Oh! My poor servant!” The Orc Chieftain holds it with the clothes
smoking yet.
“Now worry about yourself”, a Troll says mercilessly, “the tournament
has begun.”
“What’s your name?”
“Tom, the Worrier” the Troll replies.
“Good name! My servant is Tom, too. You have a time I pray innocent
Tom to go to Heaven, don’t you?”
“It’s a job of priest”
“I’m an only Orc priest. My Mem are all no talent”
“Ok, but be hurry. The dragon glares us.”
The Chieftain begins to pray.

By them, the Snake and the Crocodile bite each other tail to make a
ring. As the Snake has been already swollen half of its green body, the
rink makes 'D' not 'O'. But its weird shape is enough to let the Ogre,
another tournament player panicked.

“Bad omen, bad omen.” It stamps and clashes the Hand, its match
player in death and escapes from the place. It’s sorry for the Hand,
which has its real power only on the magical floor of the dim room in
the firetop mountain.

The Vampire murmurs. “Necromancer must hide among the children on the
junk. I’m glad it helps me to defeat the dragon.”

Hobbit (3)

2007-02-25 03:17:50 | TAMA NOTE
The leader boy on the back of the luck dragon puts down his tact and
shouts, “Now, each you check the name plate your part, again. Su,
you hear?”
“Yees!” the fat boy called Su, answers swaying his feet and kicking
the plate written ‘Barbarian' near the tail.

“And as soon as your part monster lost the game, you must set off the
plate. Don’t error, be careful, everyone Ok?”
Instead of the answer, some children make noise with their music

The Dragon of the Firetop Mountain irritating waiting too long blows
the big fire suddenly next to the Servant, who is burn out.

And as the Thirty Classic moves up a little, too, the leader slips and
falls down gasping the name plate written‘Servant’on the ground.

Now thirty one tournament name plate sway in line on its side over the
unconscious boy, who doesn’t look to be able to come back again in
spite of the luck dragon’s sweats are purring over him.

Music Dragon Quest II starts without their leader. The tournament
battles begin.

The Hobbit (2)

2007-02-23 03:18:21 | TAMA NOTE
“Hi Unknown. It’s from me!”
A fat boy throws down the vial, which hits the shoulder of the Orc and

“He, thanks the luck portion of the Thirty Classic,” he returns
to look up. “But unfortunately I won’t have a chance to join the
tournament. Only one tournament post for our Chieftain.”

Your Chieftain isn’t so strong. There’re many strong worriers like
you. I say. “Ya! Ya!”

“All orcs fool but the Chieftain. Go away! My portion is to Unknown.”
The boy sitting the tail edge of the Thirty Classic, the white luck
dragon gets angry and throws another vial, which hits the shoulder of
a barbarian approaching to me this time.

Other children on the back of the dragon notice me and begin to throw
their luck portions in a hurry. “Polite your sword with the portion
and defeat the Smaug!”
“Not Smaug but Smärg”
“I know the spell to defeat the dragon”

A leader about 12 years old stands near the shoulder of the dragon and
shouts,“Unknown, you too late! Music start!”

About ten members put their favorite music tools and begin to play the
theme song of Dragon Quest I. Others continue slowing the luck portions
all around from the back of the dragon.

The fat boy now polishes his pendant with the portion. Youngest two
children about 4 or 5 years old are clinging the neck of the dragon.

Just 30 children all with white dragon scale pendant and each colorful
hood ride on the dragon, floating about three meter high, dotting sweat
down continuously to ground, up high its head, which is looking not at
the battle field but far, at the foot of the firetop mountain, where
the Warlock waiting to kill you.

The Hobbit by J.R.R.Tolkien

2007-02-20 22:38:37 | TAMA NOTE
1.Adventure of the Hobbit, thirteen Dwarves and the Wizard.

Bilbo Baggins,Hobbit

Gandalf, Wizard

Dwarves (13)

Dwalin with dark-green hood
Balin with scarlet hood, the eldest

Kili with blue hood, 2nd youngest
Fili with blue hood, the youngest

Dori with purple hood, the strongest
Nori with purple hood

Ori with gray hood
Oin with brown hood
Gloin with white hood

Bifur with yellow hood
Bofur with yellow hood

Bombur with pale-green hood, fat

Thorin Oakenshield with sky-blue hood, leader

2.Other Creatures

Trolls William, Bert, Tom

Elves The Elvenking, Light-elf, Deep-elf, Sea-elf, Wood-elf


Wolves, The Wargs

Eagles, The Lord of the eagles

Bear, Beorn, the skin-changer

Necromancer, black sorcerer


Dragon, Smaug, red-golden dragon

Archers, Bard, Dragon-shooter, with a great yew bow and black arrows

Raven, Ravenhill


3.Items, Gems

Orcrist blade, Goblin cleaver (Biter) to Thorin
Glamdring,the Foe-hammer (Beater) to Gandalf
A knife (Sting) to Bilbo

The Ring to Bilbo

The Arkenstone of Thrain,the Heart of the Mountain, white gem

The Neverending Story (2)

2007-02-16 04:39:22 | TAMA NOTE
As soon as I quit you, I check your sword. It looks quite ordinary
sword, rob 2 Stamina points each effective attack. I open your
rucksack and find a lantern and some meals. Should I give you the
lantern? Without light how you go through the Firetop Mountain cave?

“You’ve dropped a portion”, An Orc speaks to me.
Thank you, You take it if you need. I say.
“Ha! Magical Potion of Fortune, Why wouldn’t you select one of Skill
or Strength? You’ll regret soon.”

If it is the portion of the luck dragon?
“Human. I teach you. All potions of fortune are made from sweat of
luck dragon. Everyone knows.”

Program of the the Firetop Mountain Warlock Match

2007-02-14 23:35:12 | TAMA NOTE
*** Memorial Event of the Warlock becomes 100 Adan Old ***

I. Opening Ceremony (present to Guest from Warlock)
Warlock vs Guest ( Safety match )

II. Tournament Match (present to Tournament Champion from Warlock)
1. Dragon
2. Servant
3. Orc Chieftain
4. Troll

5. Crocodile
6. Snake
7. Hand
8. Ogre

9. Vampire
10. Dog
11. Gremlin
12. Ghoul

13. Wererat
14. Dwarf
15. Winged Gremlin
16. Giant

17. Zombie
18. Giant Bat
19. Giant Rat
20. Wight

21. Giant Sandworm
22. Skeleton
23. Goblin
24. Iron Cyclops

25. Minotaur
26. Piranhas
27. Caveman
28. Werewolf

29. Giant Spider
30. Rat
31. Barbarian
32. Guest

III. Main Match
Warlock vs The tournament champion.

The Neverending Story by Michael Ende

2007-02-12 20:42:14 | TAMA NOTE
The explosion of the Warlock’s Firetop Mountain, wasn’t surprised the
habitants du Pays Fantastique any more. Warlock was already dead a month

Lava ran down the battlefield of the Firetop Mountain foot, and obliged
the monsters to escape. The tournament battle a month ago was real severe
and most survival monsters had remained there to heal themselves.

It saved them from the explosion. And the monsters noticed for the first
time why Warlock insisted the tournament out of the mountain.

Warlock’s treasure helped the village, and village habitants were kind
to wounded monsters, which had often some treasures and offered
willingly. And light wound monsters helped the habitants to escape from
the explosion fallings.

But two cleatures, the Dragon and the Minotaur ran into the explosion
mountain by their Load. Watching the two great creatures, everyone there
understood Warlock was really already dead.

An outsider killed Warlock, the Aged Man at the opening battle and
escaped au Pays Fantastique somewhere, they say.


2007-02-11 10:12:48 | TAMA NOTE
You regret. You don’t have any reason to battle with The Aged Man.
“I cancel the match.”
You run through the gate to the mountain. This time any guardsmen don’t
stop you. They all run to watch the battlefield where the tournament
battles become more exciting.

Now you stand before a cave of the Firetop Mountain foot.
Without lantern you cannot enter the cave. A little boy says just
behind you. He takes a toy sword proudly.

Fine? Your friend has presented me it to welcome you. But as I’m a
sorcery, I cannot drive it well yet. Now let’s start the battle.

“I wouldn’t battle with anyone without reason.” You say.
But it’s only the way you go back your home. Caves and mountpaths
don't take you anywhere. All dead end. The boy says. I know it because
this mountain is mine. Roll double dice for battle, please.
“I don’t have a dice.”
Use dice in your mind. The boy says. It's not so difficult for you.

A dice appears in your mind automatically. It makes double 1. And the
boy’s sword attacks you suddenly by itself and you lost 3 Stamina
Points without hurt your body. Now your Stamina score is 11.

“Just moment. I’ve some questions.” You say in a hurry.
Any question OK. And it cannot prevent your rolling dice.
The boy is right. Your dice makes double 1 again and the boy’s sword
reduce 3 points from your Stamina Score without pain. Your Stamina
Score 8.

Mmm. This sword is special. It doesn't hurt you so much. The boy is
smile. Ah, I’m Warlock, The Aged Man, they say.
“You look only a little boy.” You say.
Hahaha. You look only a little girl is my answer. The boy says. But
I wouldn’t ask who you are. It’s not my part.

Your dice makes double 1 and Your Stamina Score now 5.
“When my Stamina Score becomes 0, what happens to me?”
Here we call it death. For you what it means, I don’t know. But you
know soon it by yourself. The boy says.

You imagine double 1 again. It reduce 3 Staminapoints.
Now You Skill 7(-1) Stamina 2 Luck 7

Why wouldn’t you roll your dice? Double 1 is weakest, in the battle
you know.
“I can’t. I don’t learn any rule here yet”
Then only your luck score might help you. But now too late. Good by a

You close your eyes. Your dice shows double 1 again. This time someone
is shouting horribly with the sword, attacking you more swiftly and
violence. You can shape out the sword from top to end in detail in your


The pain goes through your body for the first time. It’ll rob your
last Stamina points.