


2023-02-07 13:06:53 | 英語特許散策

[0527] For some applications, optical element 42 is an axicon lens 45 , such as is shown in FIG. A and further described hereinbelow with reference to FIGS. 23 A-B.
[0306] 幾つかの応用例では、光学要素42は、図5Aに示され、図23A~Bを参照して以下に更に説明されるアキシコンレンズ45である。

Alternatively, optical element 42 may be an annular aperture ring 47 , such as is shown in FIG. B.

Maintaining a small diameter of the spots improves 3-D resolution and precision throughout the depth of focus.

Without optical element 42 , e.g., axicon lens 45 or annular aperture ring 47 ,

the spot of spots 33 size may vary, e.g., becomes bigger, as you move farther away from a best focus plane due to diffraction and defocus.

In some cases, as described above, the described techniques are more accurate than other depth measurement mechanisms.

For example, depth estimates from a monocular image may have limited range, decreasing in accuracy as surfaces become farther away from the camera used to capture the image.

These estimates may be improved by refining the initial depth estimate for an object based on relative locations of the object to known locations of environmental attributes proximate the object as described herein.

[0069] The UV Optical System may include two or more UV lighting modules and a rotation mechanism, which are designed to expose the top and sides of the deposited material line with UV light.

In an embodiment, each separate module emits a maximum of 110 Watts of light energy in a controllable manner from 0% to 100%.

The UV light rays are mainly focused on a spot with a diameter of 20 mm, with some dissipated light around that spot gradually decreasing with increased distance from the center, down to zero at a diameter of 90 mm.

Therefore, there may be zones of active curing just at the nozzle discharge point and secondary (stray) curing of lower layers.

Desired off-screen warping (e.g., one or more parameters indicative of a manner in which or the degree to which warping, in planes at least substantially parallel to the plane of the playback screen, is to be performed as a function of distance at least substantially perpendicular to the plane of the playback screen).

Authoring could define parameter(s) indicating the manner in which, or the degree to which, warping is to be performed as an audio element's perceived warped position moves off the playback screen in a direction perpendicular to the playback screen plane. 

In some embodiments, Fine Timing Management (FTM) may be used for a distance, and consequently location, measurement. IEEE 802.11 REVmc D4.0 defines a FTM protocol in which the timing resolution may be able to achieve 100 ps. Using FTM, the AP may allocate one or more time windows derived from the Time Synchronization Function (TSF) of the AP. Based on the IEEE 802.11 standard, every 802.11 device has a TSF counter or value. The TSF value may keep the timers for all members in the same BSS (the STAs and APs) synchronized to correct time drift introduced by hardware time drift and timekeeping imprecision among members of the BSS. This is to say that the STA may use an internal clock to provide timing. STA clocks may, however, be prone to drift from the system (AP) clock. The amount of drift may, in some embodiments, become more pronounced if the STA synchronization is distance dependent, i.e., receiving beacon frames less frequently with increasing distance from(*離れるにつれて)a particular AP. 

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