

Synapse, Yohei Kimura (feat. Li-sa-X)の画像化:攻撃前夜

2024-08-31 13:29:44 | ChatGPT



A dramatic, nighttime scene set in a desolate, dystopian world where humanity has succumbed to darkness. The foreground features a young man and woman, both in their late teens, standing on a high plateau, gazing down at a decaying, crime-ridden city glowing eerily in the night. The city, illuminated with a strange, sinister light, contrasts with the dark surroundings, hinting at the malevolent forces within. The young man holds a legendary sword, known as the 'King's Blade,' which can cut through any being, while the young woman wears a crown embedded with a radiant blue gem, the 'Lapis Orb,' capable of dispelling all darkness and bringing forth light. They are the chosen warriors, standing side by side with determined, tense expressions that reflect both their inner resolve and the weight of their mission. The atmosphere is tense, as they prepare for the final battle against the dark forces at dawn. The background shows a vast, starless night sky, adding to the sense of looming danger and the cold of winter, which tightens their faces further. The entire scene captures the essence of a world on the brink of destruction, with the hopes of restoration resting on these two young warriors.


次のシーンも作成したが落第、制限に達したのでまた明日。しかし20ドル払ってChatGPT Plusにアップグレードしたはずなのにたった2画像でオーバなのは解せません。アカウントがちゃんとPlusになっているのか、プラン確認方法がどうもよく分かりません。

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