

アイスランド(Iceland 🇮🇸): Foreign Citizens 13.4 Percent

2019-11-05 18:17:27 | 日記
2019年11月5日(Tue.) やっと秋らしい天候かなと感じています。それにしても、気候変動・気候危機に対する認識が十分には広まっていないように思います、どこを見ても。

さて、アイスランドの人口構成について情報がUPされています。(ニュースソース: iceland monitor 11月4日発 )

Foreign Citizens 13.4 Percent of Iceland’s Population


At the end of September, the population of Iceland was 362,860 – 186,220 men and 176,640 women, mbl.is reports. Of those, 48,640 were foreign citizens, or 13.4 percent of the total population. There were 232,070 people living in the capital area and 130,790 outside it.

During the third quarter of the year, the country’s population increased by 2,470 from the previous quarter. There were 1,250 babies born, and 540 people who died. At the same time, the number of people who moved to the country exceeded that of those who moved away by 1,560. The number of Icelandic citizens who moved abroad exceeded that of those who moved to Iceland by 210. By contrast, the number of foreign citizens who moved to Iceland exceeded that of those who moved away from Iceland by 1,770.

Most Icelandic citizens who moved abroad during the third quarter left for Denmark, or 500 people. Out of the 1,150 Icelandic citizens who moved abroad, 880 moved to Denmark, Norway or Sweden. Of the 1,280 foreign citizens who moved abroad, most, or 370, left for Poland.

Most Icelandic citizens who moved to Iceland came from Denmark (310), Norway (140) and Sweden (210), or a total of 670 out of 950 people. Most foreign citizens who moved to Iceland came from Poland, or 790 out of 3,050. Second most numerous were people who came from Lithuania, or 250.

(注: 和訳は省略します。 外国籍の人口が13.4%になっています。出て行った人や、逆に入ってきた人も、何れも北欧各国になっているようです。他に、ポーランドも。)




何れにしても、他文化共生の現実を受け入れ、その中で、それぞれの民族の伝統も護れると良いのですが、宗教が絡むと、非常に難しいのが実態ですね。 寛容性を訴えたとしても、過激思想や原理主義的な考えはなくなりそうにありませんし・・・。

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