2019年11月8日(Fri.) 地球温暖化や気候危機に対する関心は、デンマークでは高いように思います。一方で、日本は大丈夫でしょうか? マスコミの姿勢にもよるのでしょうね、きっと。
デンマークでは、牛から排出(ゲップ)されるメタンガスの抑制に取り組んでいるようです。(ニュースソース: CPH POST ONLINE 11月8日発 )
Holy cow! Denmark close to tackling huge climate problem
Danish researchers have developed substance that cuts methane emissions from cows
Could be a big breakthrough (photo: Pixabay)
November 8th, 2019 9:45 am| by Christian W
Methane emissions from the farming sector are often described as being a key issue in regards to curbing climate change.
And for a country like Denmark, which has ambitious climate targets but also relies heavily on agriculture, any solutions could prove invaluable. The Danes aren’t just waiting around for something to pop up.
In collaboration with dairy giants Arla, Danish researchers have developed a substance (referred to as ‘X’) that can effectively stop methane emissions from cows – a potentially massive result in the battle against climate change.
“In a lab at the University of Copenhagen, we have managed to document that when this substance is added to feed, there is simply no, as in zero, methane emissions,” Mette Olafsen Nielsen, a professor at Aarhus University, told Jyllands-Posten newspaper.
“At Aarhus University we are now continuing our studies on live cows.”
Could happen quickly
Australian researchers have already discovered that it is possible to reduce methane emissions from cows by 92-97 percent by adding a special substance to their feed. However, the substance is virtually unusable because it’s not something that is wanted in the food chain.
But the Danish substance has already been approved by EU’s food safety authority, EFSA, and can be added to the vitamin and mineral mixtures that go into cow feed.
Nielsen initially expects that a product, which reduces methane emissions in cows by about a third, will hit the market in 2020 or 2021. Arla, which has 1.5 million dairy cows, is thrilled.
“It sounds very interesting. Research has already brought us far and I have waited for another breakthrough. The new results could be a huge step towards reaching targets in our climate plan,” Jan Toft Nørgaard, the chair of the board at Arla, told Jyllands-Posten.
(超抜粋)デンマークで開発中の物質は、既に安全性も認められており、ビタミンやミネラルに加えて餌として使うことが可能になっています。研究者によると、これによってメタンガスを3分の1まで減らすことが出来、2020年か2021年には市場に投入出来るだろうと期待されています。 これらの取り組みは、気候変動に対する計画にも沿うことになります。(意訳)(注: 原文を読み流して下さい。)
*** 下の写真は、記事内容とは関係ありません。
デンマークでは、牛から排出(ゲップ)されるメタンガスの抑制に取り組んでいるようです。(ニュースソース: CPH POST ONLINE 11月8日発 )
Holy cow! Denmark close to tackling huge climate problem
Danish researchers have developed substance that cuts methane emissions from cows
Could be a big breakthrough (photo: Pixabay)
November 8th, 2019 9:45 am| by Christian W
Methane emissions from the farming sector are often described as being a key issue in regards to curbing climate change.
And for a country like Denmark, which has ambitious climate targets but also relies heavily on agriculture, any solutions could prove invaluable. The Danes aren’t just waiting around for something to pop up.
In collaboration with dairy giants Arla, Danish researchers have developed a substance (referred to as ‘X’) that can effectively stop methane emissions from cows – a potentially massive result in the battle against climate change.
“In a lab at the University of Copenhagen, we have managed to document that when this substance is added to feed, there is simply no, as in zero, methane emissions,” Mette Olafsen Nielsen, a professor at Aarhus University, told Jyllands-Posten newspaper.
“At Aarhus University we are now continuing our studies on live cows.”
Could happen quickly
Australian researchers have already discovered that it is possible to reduce methane emissions from cows by 92-97 percent by adding a special substance to their feed. However, the substance is virtually unusable because it’s not something that is wanted in the food chain.
But the Danish substance has already been approved by EU’s food safety authority, EFSA, and can be added to the vitamin and mineral mixtures that go into cow feed.
Nielsen initially expects that a product, which reduces methane emissions in cows by about a third, will hit the market in 2020 or 2021. Arla, which has 1.5 million dairy cows, is thrilled.
“It sounds very interesting. Research has already brought us far and I have waited for another breakthrough. The new results could be a huge step towards reaching targets in our climate plan,” Jan Toft Nørgaard, the chair of the board at Arla, told Jyllands-Posten.
(超抜粋)デンマークで開発中の物質は、既に安全性も認められており、ビタミンやミネラルに加えて餌として使うことが可能になっています。研究者によると、これによってメタンガスを3分の1まで減らすことが出来、2020年か2021年には市場に投入出来るだろうと期待されています。 これらの取り組みは、気候変動に対する計画にも沿うことになります。(意訳)(注: 原文を読み流して下さい。)
*** 下の写真は、記事内容とは関係ありません。