

ドイツ発(datelined Germany): Venice floods

2019-11-13 16:39:30 | 日記
2019年11月13日(Wed.) ちょうど20年前(1999年)にイタリア旅行をしました。ヴェネチアも訪問していますし、サン•マルコ広場も散策しています。また、当時でも大潮等での冠水がある為、数十cmほどの高さの臨時歩道が準備されていました。しかし、今回のニュースは、それをかなり上回る高潮に襲われたようです。(ニュースソース: DWーDE 11月13日発 )

Italy: Venice floods cause mayor to declare a state of emergency
The Italian city has not received tides like this in more than 50 years. The mayor has reacted, blaming climate change, and pleaded for governmental assistance.
(抜粋)イタリア: ヴェニスは洪水の為に非常事態が宣言されています。

Venice called a state of emergency after the second-highest tide recorded on Tuesday flooded its historic basilica and left many of its squares and alleyways inundated with water.
Mayor Luigi Brugnaro warned of severe damage caused by the "disastrous" tide, which peaked at 187 centimeters (74 inches) at 10:50 p.m. (2150 UTC). The worst the lagoon city had suffered until now was 194 centimeters (76 inches), which occurred in 1966.


The flooded St. Mark's Basilica after an exceptional high tide water level. Powerful rainstorms hit Italy on November 12, with the worst affected areas in the south and Venice

Global warming to blame, says mayor
"The situation is dramatic," Brugnaro said on Twitter. "We ask the government to help us. The cost will be high. This is the result of climate change."
He added: "A high tide of 187 centimeters is going to leave an indelible wound."

(超抜粋)市長は、地球温暖化に言及しています。 市長は、政府に援助を求めています。費用は莫大になり、これは気候変動の結果だとも述べています。また、これだけの潮位になると修復不可能な結果になるとも言います。(意訳)

Much of Italy has been hit with torrential rains in recent days, causing widespread flooding.
In Matera, this year's European Capital of Culture, rain water inundated the city's famous cave-dwelling district.

A person walks across a flooded St. Mark's square in Venice, where the mayor has declared a state of emergency. More rain is expected in the coming days

Italy continues to brace itself as more bad weather is forecast.

上の写真は、サン・マルコ広場で、さらなる降雨が予測されています。(注: 原文を読み流して下さい。)




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