2019年11月21日(Thu.) “桜を見る会”に関する首相の答弁に虚偽があったと国会で野党から追及されているようです。まア、これまでの様々な事案からすれば、首相の言葉には常に虚言が含まれていると見られても仕方ないと思います。森友も加計も、防衛省関連書類も類似ですが、そして、桜を見る会についても首相の関与はあったに決まっています。あれで、関与していなかったなどと言える筈がありません。国民を愚弄するにもほどがあります・・・。
なので、このようなニュースがドイツから流されていますが、日本政府の言い分には信用が置けません。(ニュースソース: DWーDE 11月20日発 )
Japan: Environmentalists say Fukushima water too radioactive to release
Officials in Japan have claimed that water exposed to radiation in the Fukushima nuclear disaster is now safe to dump into the Pacific. Environmentalists say the water is too contaminated. Julian Ryall reports.
(抜粋)日本: 環境問題専門家によると、フクシマの水(汚染水)を垂れ流すには放射性物質が多過ぎると。
Environmental groups are skeptical of a Japanese government declaration claiming that contaminated water stored at the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant is safe to release into the ocean.
Officials from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry addressed a government committee Monday, and said that the health risk associated with releasing water that absorbed radionuclides in the aftermath of the March 2011 nuclear accident would be "small."
During the hearing, the officials said that releasing the water over the course of one year would cause exposure amounting to a miniscule fraction of the radiation that humans are naturally exposed to annually.
The officials said that storage facilities are already close to capacity, with over 1 million tons of contaminated water being stored in steel tanks on the site in northeast Japan.
Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), the operator of the Fukushima plant, estimates that with around 120 tons of ground water leaking into the basement levels of the three reactors that suffered meltdowns as a result of the 2011 earthquake and tsunami, the storage tanks will reach capacity in the summer of 2022.
A control rod in a damaged Fukushima reactor submerged in highly radioactive water
Contamination questions
TEPCO and the government have long believed that the best way to dispose of the water is to simply release it into the ocean. They claimed until this year that contaminated water had been cleansed by a so-called advanced liquid processing system to the point that virtually all the radionuclides had been reduced to "non-detect" levels.
Leaked TEPCO documents, however, show that varying amounts of 62 radionuclides — including strontium, iodine, cesium and cobalt — have not been removed from the water.
The company has also been criticized for refusing to permit independent organizations to test the water that is being stored at the site.
(超抜粋)疑念: 東電と政府によると、汚染水は適正に汚染物質を除去して来たと言っています。しかし、東電から漏洩した資料によると、62種類もの放射性物質が除去されずに残っていることが示されているのです。ストロンチウムやヨウ素、セシウムとコバルトは除去出来ていません。
Nevertheless, environmentalists fear that preparations are under way to release the water into the environment.
"Even a year ago, when the first report on options for disposing the treated water was presented to the committee, it seemed clear to me even then that the preferred option was to release it into the ocean," said Azby Brown, the lead researcher for Tokyo-based nuclear monitoring organization Safecast Japan. Other options included evaporation and burying the water.
"My take on this is that they have already reached a decision and that all these discussions now on the options are purely theater."
Calls for added storage capacity
Safecast, Greenpeace and other environmental organizations have called for the company to build more tanks on the site. Additionally, when the area within the plant perimeter is full, they advocate building more storage on adjacent farmland that can no longer be used because it is too highly contaminated.
Brown said TEPCO officials ruled that option out on the grounds that they want to limit the tanks to the existing site.
"Honestly, I don't see much evidence of genuine consideration of the other options," he said.
(超抜粋)貯蔵能力の拡大を呼び掛け: 環境団体は、東電に対し、貯蔵能力の拡大等を呼びかけています。
*** 下の写真は、記事内容とは関係ありません。
なので、このようなニュースがドイツから流されていますが、日本政府の言い分には信用が置けません。(ニュースソース: DWーDE 11月20日発 )
Japan: Environmentalists say Fukushima water too radioactive to release
Officials in Japan have claimed that water exposed to radiation in the Fukushima nuclear disaster is now safe to dump into the Pacific. Environmentalists say the water is too contaminated. Julian Ryall reports.
(抜粋)日本: 環境問題専門家によると、フクシマの水(汚染水)を垂れ流すには放射性物質が多過ぎると。
Environmental groups are skeptical of a Japanese government declaration claiming that contaminated water stored at the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant is safe to release into the ocean.
Officials from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry addressed a government committee Monday, and said that the health risk associated with releasing water that absorbed radionuclides in the aftermath of the March 2011 nuclear accident would be "small."
During the hearing, the officials said that releasing the water over the course of one year would cause exposure amounting to a miniscule fraction of the radiation that humans are naturally exposed to annually.
The officials said that storage facilities are already close to capacity, with over 1 million tons of contaminated water being stored in steel tanks on the site in northeast Japan.
Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), the operator of the Fukushima plant, estimates that with around 120 tons of ground water leaking into the basement levels of the three reactors that suffered meltdowns as a result of the 2011 earthquake and tsunami, the storage tanks will reach capacity in the summer of 2022.
A control rod in a damaged Fukushima reactor submerged in highly radioactive water
Contamination questions
TEPCO and the government have long believed that the best way to dispose of the water is to simply release it into the ocean. They claimed until this year that contaminated water had been cleansed by a so-called advanced liquid processing system to the point that virtually all the radionuclides had been reduced to "non-detect" levels.
Leaked TEPCO documents, however, show that varying amounts of 62 radionuclides — including strontium, iodine, cesium and cobalt — have not been removed from the water.
The company has also been criticized for refusing to permit independent organizations to test the water that is being stored at the site.
(超抜粋)疑念: 東電と政府によると、汚染水は適正に汚染物質を除去して来たと言っています。しかし、東電から漏洩した資料によると、62種類もの放射性物質が除去されずに残っていることが示されているのです。ストロンチウムやヨウ素、セシウムとコバルトは除去出来ていません。
Nevertheless, environmentalists fear that preparations are under way to release the water into the environment.
"Even a year ago, when the first report on options for disposing the treated water was presented to the committee, it seemed clear to me even then that the preferred option was to release it into the ocean," said Azby Brown, the lead researcher for Tokyo-based nuclear monitoring organization Safecast Japan. Other options included evaporation and burying the water.
"My take on this is that they have already reached a decision and that all these discussions now on the options are purely theater."
Calls for added storage capacity
Safecast, Greenpeace and other environmental organizations have called for the company to build more tanks on the site. Additionally, when the area within the plant perimeter is full, they advocate building more storage on adjacent farmland that can no longer be used because it is too highly contaminated.
Brown said TEPCO officials ruled that option out on the grounds that they want to limit the tanks to the existing site.
"Honestly, I don't see much evidence of genuine consideration of the other options," he said.
(超抜粋)貯蔵能力の拡大を呼び掛け: 環境団体は、東電に対し、貯蔵能力の拡大等を呼びかけています。
*** 下の写真は、記事内容とは関係ありません。