オサンポ take a walk - 飛ぶ蜘蛛 flying spiders

2014年10月28日 | 日記

The flying spiders
Look at them carefully
There are also small spiders?

空飛ぶ蜘蛛シリ~ズ。こんな空高いトコロに、電線と木を上手く利用して上手く巣を張ったりするんですね。へぇ~、と感心して写真に撮り家に帰って拡大してみたら、巣の持ち主の周りに見えるホコリッポイものは獲物? と思っていたけどそれが子蜘蛛ッポク見える。黒い点点から放射状に細い脚のようなモノが飛び出しているヨ~ナ。子蜘蛛タチに栄養を与えるために、セッセとこのよーな場所に巣を作ったんでしょーか? そう考えると頑張った(?)ワケも分かるよーな。ッテ、ニンゲンが勝手に考えてますが、合ってます??
It's a series of flying spiders. I thought the spider is great, it would be good at building its web in such a high position. When I was back to home, I looked into it carefully, making bigger, I found it there were small spiders in the web. Firstly, I thought they were something foods to the owner of web, the big spider. But it wouldn't be. If so, I understand why the big one made its web in there. Because it is for feeding its children. Oh, such a good mum! Well, a selfish mankind thought like that, is it correct?
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