オサンポ take a walk - 蝙蝠 bat

2014年10月21日 | 日記

Some bats
Are flying around
In the evening sky

夕暮れにオサンポに行くと、まだコウモリの飛ぶ姿が見られます。しかし写真に撮るのは難しい…。コウモリは冬の間、冬眠するとか。その日はこの写真を撮った日とは別の日だったんですが、空を見ながら歩いてても、一匹も見ないので、そう言えば冬眠するんだよね? そろそろなのかな? とか考えていたら、何処から一匹飛んで来て、頭の上を二回ほど旋回した後飛び去って行きました。お? アピール? ご挨拶? あまりにタイミングよく飛んで来たのでそんな事を思ってみたり。今度は写真にも写ってよ~。
When I take a walk in the evening, I see some bats flying sometimes. But it's so difficult to take photos of them. Bat hibernates during winter. I didn't see any bat at all, I thought that they have hibernated already? Just at the moment, one bat was flying toward me then circling around over my head, as showing up or greeting? I thought it understood my thinking. I would like you to get in a picture next time.
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オサンポ take a walk - 窓 window

2014年10月20日 | 日記

There is dusky light
In the autumn evening
Something like autumn
Coming out in the window

暮れなずむシリ~ズ。こちらの「窓」は昨日の"デンキキキ"と同じ日に見つけたものです。昼間明るいところで見たらばなんちゅ~ことのない建物とその窓、かも知れませが、ある時間のある瞬間に居合わせると、違う情景になる…かしら? 不思議。日暮れという時間帯とその時間が持つ陽の明るさの掛け合わせ。そういう条件が揃った時にだけ、見られる。なんかホント、この切り取った部分だけは、何処か…、何処でしょ? 何処か外国ッポクって、"はっ"としたのです。なんて言うか、上手く言えないですが、何処かにある風景が一瞬ここと繋がって、それを見ているような…。夕方のオサンポは不思議に出会える確率高し、だと思います。
It can be said that it is a series of "dusky light in the evening". I found the window on the same day with yesterday's blog. I think that window and building are not special, when I see them in a day time, I will not be noticed. But this time... evening and it was now getting dark...they looked different than usual. Wow, it's strange, isn't it? Well, they were not like Japan, it seems...somewhere, in overseas. I think that the window and building I saw were not the usual things...I saw the building which existed in somewhere, for real. I just looked the real ones through the window. Oh, my. I believe that taking a walk in the evening can be seen strange things...
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オサンポ take a walk - 空 sky

2014年10月19日 | 日記

There is dusky light
In the evening sky
The electrical things
are drawing the lines
In it

I'd like to make Haiku or Senryu, those are shortest poems in Japan. I'd like to make better ones, but I don't think I'm good at doing that. However, if I'd like to improve my Haiku and Senryu, I have to make it every day. I have to practice and practice everyday.
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日乗 diary - てぬぐい Japanese classical facecloth

2014年10月18日 | 日記

Japanese classical facecloth
It can be adjusted any shapes
It's convenient

チョットなんだかよく分からナイ写真になってしまってますが、てぬぐいで包んであるものはマックの飲み残しコーヒーです。コーヒー無料券があってオサンポ途中にマックに寄りコーヒーだけ貰って(えへ)飲みながらオサンポしてたんですけど、ふと本屋に寄りたくなってでも今すぐに全部は飲み切れない、でも持って入れないし、何か入れる袋みたいの持ってないかな? とバックの中を見ようとして、「おぉぅ!」と思い付きました。包んで結んで持ち手作って。おやまあ、"携帯マックコーヒー"が数十秒で完成。とってもご満悦でブログネタにとムリクリ写真撮影。いやあ、ヤッパてぬぐいは便利っすよ。
I'm not sure if you can understand what photo I took. The cloth is my Japanese classical facecloth, Tenugui. It wrapped a complimentary McDonald's' heeltap coffee. I've got a ticket for free, while taking a walk, I dropped by a McDonald's to get the coffee. After that, I would like to go to the bookshop but I didn't finish to drink it. When I looked into my bag to find a small bag for the coffee, I came up with a brilliant idea. I've got my tenugui, it could wrap the coffee. After around 30 seconds, I successfully made it! How convenient Tenugui is!!
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オサンポ take a walk - 木 tree

2014年10月17日 | 日記

The light of sun
It is having a moment of sparkling
In an autumn evening

見慣れている景色でも、季節や時間に寄って一瞬違って見えることがあると思います。この時がその一瞬だと思いました。始めは、葉の生い茂った枝ぶりがモコモコしてて真ん中に窪みがあるからハートみたい、というところに気付き、へぇチョイ面白いと思いながら眺めていました。見ている間に、お? 夕陽が当たって葉の色が明るくなっているところと、当たらず暗いところのコントラストも素敵じゃない? と気付き、そうなると何かに囚われたようになって、その現象にジィィィ…っと見入ってしまいます。しかし外でそれをすると事情を知らない方々から変なヒト? と思われてしまうカモだから気を付けないと…。
Even sceneries that we see usually, they are seen in a different way sometime. This time was the tree had a moment, it looked different than usual. In the beginning, I noticed that the tree looked like "heart", growing thick. I thought it's interesting. While I was seeing it, I found that the evening sun lighted in the middle of tree divided bright and dark. That contrast was wonderful. Whenever I find some wonderful things, I am trapped by that and get to see into them. But, when it is outside, I have to be careful about myself because some people will think that what she is doing...
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オサンポ take a walk - 草花 plant & flower ツツジ azalea

2014年10月16日 | 日記

I mess up the timing
To bloom myself
It's on purpose

I see many azalea around my house when I take a walk. Some of them, sometimes they have flowers. But it's out of season for their flowers. I enjoy seeing the flowers but... I've heard or read about that something like newspaper, if a tree have flowers in out of season, it uses more their energies than usual. Since I've known that, I became to be worried about them. Whenever I see them, I ask them, "Are you alright?" I think they answer me, "We are alright." But I'm not sure as my ears are getting worse... "Are you sure?"
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オサンポ take a walk - 木 tree

2014年10月15日 | 日記

The wave of tree
It is blended into the sky
And going up

When I take a walk, I can unconsciously get topics for my blog , but sometimes not. If there is nothing, I look for something by myself. I don't add anything on nature things, I just try to see them through a different lens or something. I believe that "natures" are wonderful. A nature thing which I add something to be better than an original one, I don't think it is a good idea. Real natures are most amazing. I believe. ViVa natures!
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オサンポ take a walk - 虫 insect 蝉 cicada

2014年10月14日 | 日記

It's today's sky
It's fine, can be seen only today
Then Good-bye

台風一過の朝。青い空。朝から鳴くツクツクボウシ。季節外れ、だと思うけど。昨夜の強風を乗り越える逞しさ。ゆえ、秋も生き抜く。根性? 大事大事とっても大事。嵐をやり過ごす。そして晴れた青空の下で鳴く。大変は大変。でもずっとじゃない。明けない夜はない。禍福は糾える縄の如し。
It's morning, the typhoon has gone away. There is the blue sky. Some cicada is singing... Isn't it out of season? It might be tough, it survived from the typhoon last night. So that it can live long, even now season is autumn. Having guts? I think it's very important. Surviving from any problems, this time, it was storm. Hard is hard. But it won't be long. "Every night comes to an end." "Good luck and bad luck alternate like the strands of a rope."
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お菓子 sweets - お土産 おフランス souvenirs from France

2014年10月13日 | 日記

They are made in
France, I've got them
As souvenirs

むふぅ~と鼻息が荒くなってしまいます。あまり工場製品のお菓子は食べないのですが、ポテチは例外です。今まで食べた中で一番好きなポテチはイギリスのビネガー味のポテチ。日本ではプラザでもカルディでも買えないので、普段は「すっぱムーチョ」で飢えを満たしております。と、ついつい余計なことを書いてしまいましたが、こちらの写真のは、おフランス旅行に行った女子からのおフランス土産ポテチVicoというメーカーの、classiqueと書いてあるのでスタンダードな塩味でしょーか? こーいう地元のスーパーでしかまず買えんヨ的なお土産、それもポテチ! が一番嬉しいダス! ポテチはなんてったって、潰れないようにスーツケースに詰めて持って帰って来るのが大変! 半分以上賭けですねん。家に着いてスーツケースを開けた時に潰れてないのを発見した時の、あの喜び。どんだけ嬉しいやん。そ・れ・と、巷で有名なんすね? 言われてみればこのギンガムチェックに見覚えが、何かオシャレ雑貨屋とかで見たことあるやん? Bonne Maman ボンヌママン。ビスケットラヴです。メルシーボーク~!
I'm so exited about those souvenirs from France. I've got them from a friend of mine, she'd been France for 10 days. The near side is a pack of crisps from Vico, French company. I'm really happy with like this souvenir, we can buy them only at supermarkets, especially "crisps"!!! Because we cannot buy them in Japan, never, so that they are much more precious. What's more, it's so hard job to bring them back to Japan, so difficult to put them in a suitcase without any damages. You know, it's too easy to get crashed. When I opened the suitcase after arriving at my home, then I found they were ok, I was very happy, shouted "perfect!". About another souvenir, Bonne Maman biscuit, is it famous? I also love "biscuit"!! Merci Beaucoup!!
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オサンポ take a walk - 虫 insect 蜻蛉 dragonfly

2014年10月12日 | 日記

Is it an Autumn darter?
In this autumn I saw it
It's the first time

か? 今まではトンボを見ると「あ、トンボ」だ、としか思わなかったのですが…トンボの種類に詳しくないこともあり、他にはオニヤンマ? とかでしたっけ。それで、トンボに限らずですが、新聞やテレビなどである種の何らかの事情を知った後でそれらを見掛けたりすると、あ、これはあれで見たそれかな、と注意度が高まります。良い話ならいいんですが、あまり良くない話だとココロがさわさわとして、落ち着かなくなったりします。アキアカネは、地域に寄るそうですが、激減しているところがあり、生態系への影響が心配されているとか。そーいう事を聞いてしまうと、頑張って下さいよ、と勝手に目からエールを送ったりしてしまいます。ビバ自然!
Is a dragonfly Autumn darter? Until now , when I saw a dragonfly, I just thought, "oh, it's a dragonfly!" . I have no idea it is what kind of dragonfly. It's not only about dragonfly, when I know some information about natures, animals, insects, flowers and so on, by something, my concerns are getting deeper. If it is a bad news, I'm worried about them, When I see them. Autumn darter is getting decrease, it depends on the areas. I pray for them ... to have a long life. VIVA natures!
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