オサンポ take a walk - 木 tree & 街灯 street lamp

2014年10月24日 | 日記

Now summer had gone
Under the light
There are gathered early autumn

写真は秋っポクはないですが、撮影時期は数週間前です。そー言えばまだツクツクボウシが鳴いていた頃かも。さすがに最近は鳴き声を聞きません…。で、人工物に見慣れてしまっているせい、というか写真で見ると、なのかはよく分かりませんが、人工物と自然物が一緒に写っている写真(=え・絵)って悪くないな、と思う今日この頃です。この絵も、街灯の周りに葉っぱがちょっと覆い被さっているだけ、のことだとは思うのですが、両脇にいる葉っぱタチが、「ようよう最近の調子はどうでい?」(何故か江戸っ子)と、街灯に訊いているようにも思えて、何か微笑ましい…みたいな想像力? があって…コレ、無駄な想像力ですかね? この想像力を何かに生かせないモンですかね?
This photo wouldn't be like autumn... I took it around a few weeks ago. Some cicadas were singing at that time, in these days, no cicadas. Well, as I get used to see artificial materials because they are anywhere, or when I see natures and artificial materials together in photos , I feel them, and would not be bad, like it. Also this photo, there are artificial ones and leaves which are taken together, I think it looks not bad. Well, if someone describes about this picture, there are just the street lamp and leaves, but for me, they are some characters, they are having conversations. Leaf 1, " How are you doing?", the street lamp said, "Oh, I see, not bad, but...", something like that. Do you think that kind of my imaginations are useless? I wish my imaginations could be used into something... I hope.
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