オサンポ take a walk - 虫 insect

2014年06月23日 | 日記

There was a shadow of night
A locust ran out of the bush

燕の巣を見つけて夜がやわらかくなった、と感じたその後の同じ夕方にバッタ君。右側の植え込みから、バタバタ~と出て来たので、なんだ? クモ? とギョ!とキェ!の間ぐらいで驚いていると、いやいやミドリ色しているよ~。やわらかかった空気が一瞬硬くなりかけたけど、大丈夫でした。クモはダメでバッタはオッケーなの? ハッキリした理由は私にも分かりマセン。スミマセン。
At that night, after finding the swallow nest, I felt that the wind became tender. The same night, when I walked by the bush, a locust ran out of it, I was surprised as I though it was a spider firstly. But it was not. The tender wind almost became hard but it stopped. Because it was the locust. Why is locust ok but spider is not? Well, I've no idea.
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