ホンヨミ Book-loving 「ピーター・パン」Peter Pan

2014年05月21日 | 日記

I've got the book
From a friend of mine
Many years ago

何とまあ、高校生ぐらいの頃、友達が引越しをするということで欲しい本があるならあげると言われ、いそいそと出掛けて行ったならば、あるわあるわ・・・。彼女の部屋は本の海になっていました。その中からタイトルと内容は知っているけど、原作は読んだことがない。オトナになるまえに読んでおこう! っともらってきた本を今読んでいる。これじゃあオトナになれない? じゃなくってオトナになりたくなかったなっしー?
I can't be sure, I think, when I was a high school student, a friend of mine told me she would move so if I would like to have some books of hers, I could go to her house and got them. I went. Her room was occupied by lots of books. OK, I would have picked up some books which, I knew the titles but I'd never read them, for example, "Peter Pan". At that time, I planned that before becoming adult, I tried to read it. But I didn't. Yesterday, I finished to read it. Oh. Am I already adult or still teenager ??
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オサンポ take a walk - 草花 plant & flower Bee

2014年05月20日 | 日記

The bee is flying
I'm good at hovering
It would say

近所にあるとある雑木林の中で、小柄な蜂を発見。お? と思って写真を撮ろうとしたら、葉から飛び上がってしまい、しかし空中でホバリングして飛び去る気配がない。へえーホバリング出来るんだ、と思って見ている間、そこにいる。よっぽど去り難いうまい蜜でも吸ってたのかしらん? 邪魔してごめんヨ、と心の中でつぶやいたのでござった。
I found a small bee in the grove near my house. I tried to take a photo of it, but the bee flied then hovering, during watching it. I thought bee could hover. I guessed a reason, it would have been consuming sweet nectar from flowers. I said, "Sorry interrupting you" in my mind.
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オサンポ take a walk - 草花 plant & flower ハルジオン

2014年05月19日 | 日記

春紫苑 ハルジオン
姫女菀 ヒメジョオン
Philadelphia fleabane
Annual fleabane
You wouldn't imagine --- if you could understand Japanese Kanji, we would be impressed --- I believe so. We name them also by Kanji. Their Kanji names are so elegant. I believe botanists must be poet. Anyway, that two flowers are not unusual, in this season, you can see them anywhere. So, we might not specially pay an attention to them. But wait. Look at them in details, we would find something lovely things --- their buds, getting blooming and bloom. You may know, "God is in the details", I would like to say it for them.
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オサンポ take a walk - 草花 plant & flower どくだみ草

2014年05月18日 | 日記

That's a Korean houttuynia's white flowers
Oh, it's been already May

季節はドンドン進んで行き、ふと気付けばどくだみ草の花が咲いていて。冬の間はとんと姿を見せないのに、ちゃんと季節の変化を知って、ちゃんと顔を見せてくる。すごいなぁ。どこにセンサーが付いているのでしょう? 人間にとっては、どくだみ草を見るということは、まもなく始まる梅雨の時期を思い知ることにもなる・・・と、言うのは大袈裟かな??
You know, seasons are changing so quickly as we wish spring would be longer. Now we can see Korean houttuynia anywhere. We can't see them during late autumn, winter and early spring. How do they know the time has come to come up and bloom? Mystery! Well, anyway, when we see them, it tells us that the rainy season will come sooner or layer. Oh my!
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猫三昧 Cat-loving - 元気 Genki

2014年05月17日 | 日記

I like that someone strokes me
Please stroke me anytime

When I stroke my cat, Genki, he gets close to my hand with showing me a full of happiness on his face. ( it seems ... to me ) That's lovely. But it's so difficult to take a photo of his expression. I hold my iPhone on my left hand, and I stroke Genki with my right hand. I always miss a moment, out of forces, forget to grab my iPhone. If I stroke him many time at one time, he will get less showing me his happy expressions. Oh. You know, also animals have their own wills. Well, do you think I will be able to take a best photo someday?
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オサンポ take a walk - 草花 plant & flower 葉牡丹

2014年05月16日 | 日記

I could bloom longer
But, someone stopped my life

まるまるとしたキャベツのような葉の固まりの中心から、びょ~んと伸びた数本の茎に菜の花によく似た黄色い小さな花をたくさん付けて、我が世の春を謳歌しているように見えた葉牡丹。そんな葉牡丹タチが植えられていた花壇が4つありました。ある日のこと、その花壇のそばを通りかかってとてもびっくりしました。何とまあ、葉牡丹タチ全員が根こそぎ引っこ抜かれ、根元の部分数十センチだけになって花壇ごとに置かれているではありませんかーーーまるで墓標のように。これ何でしょう?? 何が起きたのでしょう?? 4つの中の一つは、白いスプレー菊風な花の方は残されていたりして。ハテ。この現象の数日後には、墓標も無くなってマシタ。ハテサテ?

I knew some ornamental kales in the four flowerbeds were blooming lively. But one day, when I pass by them, I found ... they all were dug out and then cut in a piece around their roots. It seemed like graveposts. Oh my God! What happened to and was wrong with them?? One flowerbed among them, there was still survivable small white chrysanth (maybe), why?? A few days later, there was nothing, also graveposts were gone. Mmmmm---, that's mystery, isn't it?
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オサンポ take a walk - bird 燕 swallow

2014年05月15日 | 日記

I found !
The nestle of swallow
At the entrance of building

…小学生みたいな、いやいや、小学生だってもっとマシな句を作るわい。てな感じですが、駅から職場へ行く道の途中のビルの入り口で、見つけたッスよ~。その日もいつも通りポテポテと歩いていたのですが、そのビルのある曲り角に来たとき、その道を曲ると一本の古い桜の木があり、その桜の花が咲いている時はその道を通っていたのですが、終わった後はそこでは曲がらずまっすぐに行っていたのですがその日は、何か燕ッポイ鳥がすーーっと目の前を横切ったのです。お? もしや燕? 道を曲りながら目でその鳥を追って行くと、ビルの中に入って行った様子。あら、どこかしら? と入り口の半分にジュースの販売機が置かれていてその上辺りをキョロキョロしていると、隣の入り口の方からまたすーーっと飛んで行くものが。むむ? その入り口のひさしみたいな出っ張りの裏をのぞくと桟みたいなところに燕の巣が! すぐそばで道路を掃除していたおばさまのお話によると毎年来ているとか。イイデスネ。周辺は何気に緑が多いので、虫もたくさん捕れるのでしょう。しばらくの間の朝のお楽しみが出来ました。
I found the nestle of swallow at the building on my way from the station to the office. That morning, I thought, one swallow would have told me his nestle was here, because he flew over me as getting my attention to it. I followed him, he flew into the building. I lost him where he flew, while I was looking for, he flew over outside. Oh? Finally I found his nestle at the bar of the entrance! I saw there were two babies. An old lady who cleaned up on the road nearby told me, swallows came here every year. Oh, that's good!
I have got my enjoyment in the morning around for a month.
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オサンポ take a walk - Object Elephant

2014年05月14日 | 日記

There two elephants
The one's design is realistic
The another's is designed

デザイン…と言うほどでも無いカモですが、二頭のいる像のウチ、奥の方のは細部が省略されていて、動きも無いのでデザインとしての像、になっているような気がします。手前にいる方は、像の特徴である耳と鼻がきちんと再現されていて、鼻にも動きがある。表情に関してもこちらの方が実物に近い感じがしますね。割りとよく通る道の脇にある、公園と呼ぶには狭過ぎる、チョットしたスペースにいる像二頭です。普段像のいることは知ってましたが、二頭のデザインがこんなに違うことに、ある日気付いたときには驚きましたの。どういう理由でデザインが違うのかー。二頭の置かれた時期がズレているためデザインが違ってしまったのか、デザイナーの遊び心か葛藤か、単なる発注ミスか? ・・・などなど。考えれば考えるホド、うーん、ミステリー!
I found two elephants which were differently designed. I already knew they were there because I sometimes passed by them while walking, but I didn't notice their differences. One was realistic, the another was designed. I was wondering why their designs were different. Some designer enjoyed him/herself? A contractor made a mistake their order?? Anyway, it's a big mystery? Don't you think so?
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オサンポ take a walk - 草花 plant & flower ツツジ

2014年05月13日 | 日記

The bee is flying
In the forest of azalea
Also I will go in

I heard bees in USA and other countries have been decreasing from around 5-6 years ago. Still now on? I think so, some reports on web said. Well, I found a bee while walking with that information, I would like to say to the bee, go for it.
But the bee seemed so busy to collect honey, it wouldn't have cared me.
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オサンポ take a walk - 草花 plant & flower 紫陽花

2014年05月12日 | 日記

The hydrangea is preparing to bloom
Every each day

Now Sakura flowers and also Japanese wisterias' best season had finished. The next season is coming, it's the rainy season. I think that most Japanese wouldn't like the rainy season because it's so wet, damp! Oh, I start thinking how the season like, no, I should stop it.
I start thinking how hydrangeas flowers wonderful. That makes me feel good.
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